Sunday, November 5, 2017

A Tragedy As Terrible As The Rise of Nazism Was Underway A Century Ago

I started listening to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's two part series about the centennial of the Russian Revolution and it is quite good.  Since last night's comments proved that a holder of a college degree in the United States can have an incredible ignorance of that event and its aftermath, one informed by the stupidest of pop culture, movies, TV, the idiocy of quasi-Marxist propaganda - and it was ubiquitous among the allegedly educated Americans of my generation -  I'd recommend listening to it, so I'll post a link to it.

The Russian Revolution — Part 1: From Idealism to Terror


  1. "But if you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao, you ain't gonna make it with anyone anyhow."

    --atheist materialist John Lennon, "Revolution"

    It was a big hit record, Sparky. I'm sure you heard it.

  2. I'd love to see you explain what relevance that has for anything. There was no greater hater of communism than your fellow vulgar atheist materialist, Ayn Rand.

  3. You were talking about pop culture being pro-Stalin or some other incoherent bullshit.

    BTW, John Lennon was an Ayn Randian?

    You're really losing it, Sparkles.

    1. That's too funny. You don't know the difference between Bolsheviks and Stalinists and you don't know the difference between Stalinists and Maoists.

      John Lennon was a multi-millionaire hedonist. I'd go into more of an explanation of similarities and differences between him and various other vulgar materialists but you're too stupid to bother with.

      Your main purpose in life seems to be as a gage of how stupid you can be and still be considered brilliant at Duncan's "brain trust". Though it's more like Duncan's brained rust these days.

  4. Incidentally, as Freki pointed out, the CBC is as much pop culture as anything.

    1. Not that particular part of it, and I specified that it was college grads from the United States I was addressing re pop crapture. The CBC is a large and varied corporation, it's not what it once was but it's many miles ahead of American radio and TV.

      I'll bet you couldn't listen to the program I linked to without your attention drifting as Stephen Colbert described Donald Trump's drifting the other night.

      Tell that post lit Brit I'll go up against her anytime. She's as big a liar as you are but she's not nearly as stupid.

    2. It uses words and pop culture references, but can attach no meaning to either. Not unlike Trump, it babbles but thinks it thinks.

    3. Well, it was a real shock to me when I went online and read the unfiltered stream of consciousness that dribbled out of so many with college credentials. It's not much different from what you'd hear if you went to one of the lower brow bars around here most nights, primarily in the blog rats being more conceited and pretentious.

  5. "I'll bet you couldn't listen to the program I linked to without your attention drifting"

    Without laughing, more likely.

    1. A giggling idiot, yeah, I can imagine you as one. Like I said you and Carter Page have a lot in common.
