Saturday, May 14, 2022

Saturday Night Radio Drama - Louis Kornfeld -Thankless



To help her sick mother, Abigail needs to ask for help from her brother, a conspiracy-peddling radio host.

Monica Wyche, Abigale
PJ Sosko,  Jason
Jamie Newell, Kathy
Max Brand, Chris
Louis Kornfeld, Doctor
Alexis Lambright, Banker
Brian Morabito, Phil
Evan Barden, Intern
Liz Leimkuhler, Social Services
T.J. Mannix, TV Doctor

Written by Louis Kornfeld
Produced by Jonathan Mitchell
Associate produced by Cadence Mandybura

The rebirth of audio theater on the internet has produced lots of tries, some of them terrible, some of them bad, some of them mediocre and some of them very, very good.  The Truth is one of the sources of this new-radio theater that produces some of the best.  The thing I like most about the best of it is that it isn't movies that didn't make it to video production, it's better than that because it tries stuff they'd never try in the movies or on TV.  

What Rustypickup Said At RMJ's

I don't know how to embed the tweet, but here is the text.

"I wonder if Kavanaugh is having memories of college Take Back the Night marches when his frat would chant at the women marching, “Yes means No. No means anal.”

His frat would also throw crap at gay students like my roommate. Really, I have no issue with public shaming him at his house.

I never learned how to embed tweets, either, if the putrid Musk takes it over, I never will. 

More On The Brain-Dead Brain-Only Ideological Model

THOUGH I HOLD that it was a largely destructive, extremely damaging exercise in ignorant pop cultural fashion, the atheist fad of the 00's was something that I benefited from enormously.  Seeing the unedited thinking of many thousands of ideological atheists online, in articles, blog posts, comments left in the commentage of the web, I found, over and over, confirmation of something I'd only had an inkling of in the ink-on-paper, babble on radio culture I lived in before going online, that atheists are generally not very deep thinkers or careful thinkers and, in an impressive number of instances, are not honest thinkers.  Even those who are not superficial or particularly dishonest, as the common run of that is, such as Bertrand Russell will, eventually, be forced into it by their ideological choices.*

That's not something you can say is exclusive to that ideological camp, I've come to think that it is typical of any strongly held ideological framing, but, probably through an association with academics, atheists also were once held as being better than that, largely by other atheists in academia, the publishing and scribbling profession and the reliably anti-religious cooky-cutter production of fiction and, especially, fiction acted out on stage and screen (theater about real people is inevitably full of lies). And if you didn't know that they were a cut above everyone else, you could depend on them to make that assertion before much time passed.

That's an introduction to my answer to a claim made to me by a sciency ideological atheist with credentials that what we have "in our brains" is the same thing as what the external universe is, that any other claim is "post modernist bull shit" and "anti-scientific".  Furthermore, that my arguments against his argument that what he alleged is "all made by our brains," depended on "meaningless questions." Which, I asserted, was a superficial though popular atheist dodge of 1930s era logical-positivists who had no better answers and so wanted to make perfectly meaningful questions go away or be disallowed, in itself some of the most transparent shallow thinking in the modern era.

The person arguing with me didn't have an answer for even the crudest argument that I brought up.  He made a statement that for any meaningful question of science, "what our brains made" was the same as what was out there in the "real world."  I asked him if that meant that when we thought of dimethylmercury that was present in our brains. I had to explain to him why that extremely dangerous nerve-toxin being present in anyone's brain was a guarantee of a slow and terrible death as it destroyed the brain, relating the tragic incident of that which happened at Dartmouth a couple of decades back (perhaps before the callow, shallow ideologue was born).  That anyone who didn't understand the difference between our idea of it and the real thing was a superficial thinker.  He seemed to only understand that he'd dug himself into a position that he couldn't support and he was was too immature to back out of. I'm not saying that atheists used to be smarter than this but along with the enormous educational opportunities that came with the internet, I think it's had the general effect of making more People stupider than such People used to be.

Materialism is a brain-dead, dead end. Atheism is, too.

I've been extremely busy this week catching up on garden work that my recent adventure with the medical industry put off - to disappoint my enemies, which to say I was sorry for would be a lie,  I didn't have a relapse - or I'd comment on this at greater length.  

The argument I had reminded me of another of H. Allen Orr's essay-book reviews that I read in the Boston Review, this one answering E. O. Wilson's absurd and philosophically inept claims in one of his perhaps lesser known books, Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge.  I will say that E. O. Wilson was a pretty good scientist when he was talking within his narrow area of expertise which was describing ant behavior, like Carl Sagan, when he stuck to what he really knew, he could be pretty good but like Sagan, when he ventured even a little outside of it, the shortcomings of his narrow training and those mandated by his materialist-atheist-scientistic ideological commitments had a rapidly increasingly destructive effect in the results. Though I think Wilson's specialties have guaranteed minefields in it than Sagan's, which is more in line with the classical physical scientific tradition.  

I think that in this passage Orr (who I disagree with about some things while admiring his thinking) hits a number of relevant nails on the head.  I was reminded of it when my opponent mentioned above made recourse to the idiotic idea that "artificial intelligence" was going to come to the rescue of his "brain only" diminution of consciousness which he seemed to not be that confident in as the argument progressed.  

The second general problem plaguing Wilson’s book is one of philosophical naiveté. We scientists are, of course, notorious for thinking all philosophical problems straightforward. Scientists tend to swagger into town, confident that a bit of straight shooting will set all aright. Though typically modest, Wilson slips into this cowboy role all too easily. A number of philosophical problems– mind-body, free will, the failure of logical positivism– pop up in the course of his book. And Wilson guns them down at a staggering rate. Unfortunately, his solutions are often surprisingly superficial. In the end it’s hard to escape the conclusion that Wilson often just doesn’t see the problem. He sees half of it, or less than half of it, and sets diligently to whittling away at some corner of it. When he announces his solution–often in a one-liner–he seems mildly astonished that no one previously saw so simple an answer.

Let me give an example. As a champion of unity of knowledge, Wilson is anxious to explain away the demise of that last great unification craze, logical positivism. The positivists believed that by formalizing scientific language and by following a few formulaic guidelines (e.g., verificationism) scientists could “close in on objective truth.” But logical positivism crashed and burned. And Wilson thinks he knows why: “Its failure, or put more generously, its shortcoming, was caused by ignorance of how the brain works. That in my opinion is the whole story.” But the good news, Wilson assures us, is that neurobiology and artificial intelligence are coming to our rescue. Once they reveal how the brain works–once they show us how to correct the distortions our nervous systems impose upon reality–“the grail of objective truth” might be ours.

It’s hard to know where to start with this sort of argument. For one thing, the idea that absolute objective knowledge can be built on a foundation of brain sciences faces an obvious problem: our knowledge of the brain must itself remain uncertain, tainted by the very subjective distortion and outright error that Wilson is trying to get rid of. For another, there’s more standing between science and the “ultimate goal of objective truth” than ignorance of the brain’s blueprints. Almost all scientific truths take the form of universal propositions reached by induction and are therefore permanently subject to doubt. As Russell said somewhere, induction for a chicken means the farmer comes to feed him each morning. But one morning the farmer comes and wrings his neck. The point is that most scientific truths are logically fated to remain un-absolute. And none of this goes away no matter how well you understand the hypothalamus. Unfortunately this is not an isolated incident. Much of Wilson’s book consists of such superficially attractive–but ultimately just superficial-philosophical talk.

If I had time I'd go back over the series I did going through A. S. Eddington's lecture on The Concept of Structure in which he gave a pretty detailed mathematical description of the mental modeling of things within modern physics, the very thing which such atheists as E. O. Wilson and their fan-boys online believe is the way to get to absolute knowledge.  The problem is that while the scientific and mathematical analysis is enormously impressive, it cannot help but draw you into the fact that compared to the real thing, the mathematical-scientific generalization is both intimately involved in our understanding of the external universe but, also, ever more distanced from the specific facts of our most intimate experience of the external universe.   Eddington pointed out far more simply that the experience of our consciousness is the most primitive fact we have access to, it preceeds ALL subsequent knowledge or thought.  To downgrade consciousness is to undermine everything that comes after it.  Which, I'd guess, a scientist of Eddington's eminence and accomplishment who is not an ideological atheist will have no problem with but which one who begins from that ideological starting point will never be able to entirely repose in, unless, like Wilson, they simply ignore the problems their ideological committment forces on them.

As Orr points out when someone specializes in something like "behavior" or "neuro" or "cognative" anything those problems are even more embedded in an intimate manner than someone who wants to describe the movements of electrons.

"our knowledge of the brain must itself remain uncertain, tainted by the very subjective distortion and outright error that Wilson is trying to get rid of"

While the scientist whose claims that gave rise to the argument is someone I admire when she limits herself to what she really knows - and what she knows is definitely more than what someone like Sagan or Wilson knows, she was educated in German universities - her ideological commitments have a similar effect on her when she wanders far outside of the particle physics she specialized in.  I may respect her when she speaks on what she knows, especially when she doesn't use her position and credentials to push her materialist ideology, when she speaks nonsense, I'm not going to ignore that.

One of the downsides of ideological materialist-atheist-scientism is it lacks any tradition of humility as it has an deep, deep commitment to intellectual hubris and overselling what science can ever do.  In that they have more in common with the biblical and other scriptural fundamentalist traditions in religion.  It's one of the more interesting ironies of life how the bitterest intellectual opponents end up thinking in similar ways. 

* I don't think that's inevitable.  H. Allen Orr's intellectual grandfather, the teacher of his teacher, Richard Lewontin, is someone whose rigor and intellectual honesty I've praised over and over again.  As I do Orr's even as I have no such respect for the link between them, Jerry Coyne who embodies what I've said above to the extent that one of his ideological buddies in the Jeffrey Epstein sponsored Science Blogs era said, "Jerry Coyne, he's 12."

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Egalitarian Democracy Is Failing As Its One And Only Workable Substrate Is Rejected

ONE OF THE MOST INTERESTING THINGS I read and have thought a lot about during my research into natural selection was the prominent geneticist H. Allen Orr's statement that, despite the claims of the neo-atheist philospher of the atheist zeitgeist, Daniel Dennett, natural selection could not work with just any random physical substrate, the physical aspects of what the theory allegedly explains.*  He said, back in the 1990s that natural selection could not work outside of a substrate of particulate (classical genetic) biological inheritance.  In fact he said it would work with any substrate and that it was his great discovery that it was responsible for practically everything.   Orr pointed out he was wrong, which, thinking about it in wake of reading that, makes sense to me in exactly the same way that Dennett is absurd.  


Though Orr didn't go into it and it may be because it didn't occur to him, that would mean that Darwin's and the first generation of Darwinists' conception of natural selection couldn't work because, as Darwin's foremost Continental disciple, Ernst Haeckel, said, Darwin believed in Lamarckian inheritance of traits - a statement endorsed by Darwin's son, Francis, among others - in which acquired traits were inherited, something Haeckel (and most) of Darwin's first generations of believers believed in as well.  You would have to know the background to understand Haeckle's somewhat snarky dismissial of the alternative proto-genetic theory of his rival German Darwinist, August Wisemann, the guy who experimented to refute Lamarck by cutting the tails off of mice - such was the naive ignorance of those generations in such matters.

I don't know if subsequent to that H. Allen Orr has tried to fit his conception of natural selection to the more recent resurgence of a far more scientifically supported theory of the inheritance of acquired characteristics, epigenetic inheritance, which is quite well supported and what that does to Darwinism, natural selection. A theory which already had to be massively modified to make it seem to work with the developing and undeniable genetic theory.  I don't see how you can accept that current science without it doing serious damage to even the highly altered, quite anti-Darwinist, altered to fit it to the naive and absolutist genetics c. the 1920s and 30s, Darwinism of the post-WWII generation which I grew up in.  He may have come up with some way to reconcile those two seemingly incompatible holdings of scientists or, more interestingly, he may have addressed their apparent incompatibility in those terms.  I think a far simpler and probably more reliable thing to do would be to scrap natural selection because it doesn't seem to be able to mean the same thing for much more than fifty-years at a time.

I do think his point that sometimes the substrate on which a higher level theory operates can be exclusively possible to that particular type of substrate is interesting in something I care much more deeply about, egalitarian democracy.

I have written a number of times about the statement of the eminent philosopher and political scholar Jurgen Habermas that modernistic egalitarian democracy was an exclusive product of the Jewish ethic of justice and the Christian extension of that in the commandments to love, something which I've defended from the dishonest distortion of what he said by anti-religious, academic liars and as something which, after thinking about it harder than I did what H. Allen Orr said about Darwinism, I think is true, certainly in the history of the conception of egalitarian democracy,  where it happened to the extent it ever has, how it happened, how it progresses or fails.  I think in this time when "Christianity" as it is generally understood - certainly as it has been defined in the mass media - is not an expression of either justice or love, it is unsurprising that egalitarian democracy is dying.

If that substrate of egalitarian democracy, that level of divinely commanded justice and love, is necessarily restricted to Jewish and Christian monotheism, I don't know, I hope those commandments are written on the hearts of others who may be of a different monotheistic or a reputedly polytheistic tradition or of those allegedly "non-theistic" such as Theravada Buddhism,  I've mentioned before that while reading and listening to some North American Native religious elders I think it's very much part of those traditions.  I believe some of the Afro-American religious traditions and what is claimed about their African predecessors show that that may not be exclusive to the Jewish monotheistic tradition that Christianity and Islam share in.

I don't believe that it can exist in anything like a strong enough thing to have social, national and international beneficial effects without a substrate of religious belief - AND ONLY THEN IF THOSE TWO THINGS, JUSTICE AND LOVE ARE CONSIDERED TO BE AMONG THE FOREMOST COMMANDS OF THE CREATOR.  I have watched atheist regimes during my lifetime and read about those of the past and I find absolutely nothing in them that will tend towards egalitarian democracy, universal justice and personal and social and political and judicial action that is an expression of that in support of love, the purpose of egalitarian democracy.  Atheist, materialist governance will always devolve into gangsterism of one degree or another and, when it's that substrate, I'm betting on the worst imaginable and probably worse than that.  I first started talking about that more than a decade ago, I am entirely more convinced of it today than I was then.  Among the things that leads me to believe that is watching the progress of Communism in China and the ruling thugs in Russia which is inseparable from their positions in the Communist government of the Soviet Union when that was still up and hobbling.  I don't buy Putin's corruption of the Russian Orthodox Patriarchy as an expression of religious believe when it is so obvious that it is a convenient fiction, one that the corrupt Patriarchy is willing to go along with just as it did under the Czars.  The ones they admitted were Czars.  Of course Communism, as Marxism, as an alleged carrier of the ideals that Marx claimed in the Communist Manifesto, is as much as a fiction.  Communism, Marxism would seem to lead to fascism under a more organized kind of Victorian capitalism on steroids. In so far as it tried to sell itself on Christian-like ethics and morals and social good, it was bound to turn out the way it did and has.

I really don't think Western egalitarian democracy can survive without a religious belief in the potency of the commandments to do justice and practice love, I think it would probably be easier to try to prune and bend and fit natural selection where it really can't go and fit because it's just theory whereas egalitarian democracy is performance and fulfillment or it is nothing but empty words on paper, in the mouths of politicians and judges and theoreticians but it won't be real.  Without that substrate, and our Constitution doesn't provide for that, it's bound to fail even as, like one of Roberts' Supreme Court Rulings, destroying something even as its foetid, carrion carrying skeleton is still held to be intact.

This has been more answers to hate mail. 

* Unfortunately, the original article from the Boston Review now seems to be behind a pay-wall.  Dennett's whiny and incoherent response is still available online, but without Orr's competent, fascinating refutation of it, so I'm not posting a link.

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Things I've Had To Tell People For More Than Thirty Years 2022 Edition

Susan Collins knew exactly what she was voting for when she voted for Kavanaugh, she has been a lying hypocrite and a Republican-fascist scumbag. She has endorsed Paul LePage for governor in 2022. That should tell you everything you need to know about her

If I hear another person pretending she's not all-in on Republican-fascism I might start carrying around a rubber chicken to hit such people with from now on.  

Monday, May 9, 2022

Writing For Your Own Ends - More About The Necessity Of Imagining

It's Not Guaranteed To Work But Neither Is Seeing A Shrink

LAST YEAR when I took the advice of one of my quite young nieces and took an online writing class it turned out to be one of the better things I've done in the past two decades.  Geezers who refuse to learn from the young are stupid.

Not that it's made me a better editor, it hasn't. I'm not even convinced it made me a better writer.   But it gave me even more of an appreciation for the value of People writing, putting down significant words in writing, even if they have no intention of anyone but themselves reading what they write.  I'd written fiction before, with a pencil, in notebooks, I'd written poems and even a couple of plays, all for my own entertainment.  If I'd had more wit than I do, when I first tried a word-processor and increased my typing speed, I may have realized the biggest advantage of putting your thoughts in writing, there is nothing that has helped me clarify my thinking like writing those out in words, reading them, changing them to make them clearer, all of it has been very valuable to me.  And it's a good and potentially useful hobby.  It's enjoyable.

But this is about the use of writing fiction as a means of understanding ones own personality, of ones understanding of other People and situations, those in their own lives, those in others lives that we haven't experienced.  Fiction can help with that when the substance of non-fiction that might do that isn't available to you.

I wrote about the assignment in that class to write a story about football that the teacher said he assigned because if there are men in the class he wanted them to write about something they knew.  

Well, as I told him, I have always disliked sports and especially despised American football and the cult of sentimentality and cloying dishonesty about it.  I gave him the facts, from head-injury, violence against Women and others, exploitation by coaches (I HATE TED LASSO). . .  He wisely didn't give in and allow me to write on another topic but told me to write a story about that aspect of the cult of football.  I did write a story something like that - "Jesus, you wrote a novella, not the short story I asked for!" - and it taught me a lot.  He had the same assignment this time and I wrote a second, much shorter, story and I learned a lot about it, too.  And I hate football as much as I ever have.

This last year I had someone who knew I had experience of dealing with and living with family members who are severe alcoholics ask for some advice on how to cope with the terrible drinking problem of her granddaughter.  I have written about that experience several times though this person didn't know that - my online writing is known only to a couple of people in my family who really aren't interested.  

Thinking about what to tell her from that experience, from the experience of alcoholics I've known took a long time.  I didn't tell her that I doubted the 28-day spin cycle that they were putting their hopes in would work, it never did for anyone I saw.  The three-day dry-outs are only good for keeping someone from driving for that long.  I had no right to suggest that those might not work for her because I have no idea if maybe they would.

I am entirely skeptical of the talking-therapy industry, especially the pseudo-sciences of psychology and its allies, especially the drug-prescribing racket of psychiatry.  Those have an abysmal record of treating alcoholics and other substance abusers. One of my family members who died of his severe alcoholism went to one for eight years of three-figure per hour payments and all he got out of it was an addiction to happy pills on top of his alcoholism and dumped as a "patient" when he lost his job due to his drinking and, with that, the insurance that paid for his "treatment."   I told her that but said her granddaughter might find just the right one for her.

I DID tell her that I thought AA was something that she should encourage her to try and that if one of the many local meetings didn't work for her, she should try another one.  Though its success is far from 100% I am entirely in favor of AA.  I told her that if she tried pulling the atheist supplied excuse my brother did, "I don't believe in a higher power," she should point out that she has made the alcohol molecule her higher power, one that rules her and is destroying her life.  They won't tell you that in the "secular alternative" mounted by atheists in opposition to AA, which is a Potemkin village false front which exists not at all except a few of the largest cities and which isn't any more successful than AA where it is more than a mere figment of the imagination of ideologues.  

On top of that, I suggested that she recommend that the girl try writing stories about people who had lives like she'd like to have, only that the character she wrote as herself (if there's one thing I'm sure of, every author always puts themselves in their fiction) should totally abstain from alcohol and other drugs.  Perhaps someone who successfully stopped drinking.  That she should  write every day that she could manage, should read what she wrote, should edit and change it to make it more like she would like it to be.  How she would change things to make her life better.  ESPECIALLY THAT SHE SHOULD NOT COMPLAIN ABOUT HOW OTHER PEOPLE HAVE DONE HER WRONG.  And she shouldn't use her depression as an excuse and a reason for drinking. I think that that is one of the worst things that the psychologists and psychiatrists and other psych industry hacsk do, they hand alcoholics excuses they didn't have, depression, guilt, blaming other people, for continuing their substance abuse.

I said it might not work but if it didn't at she wouldn't have lost any money to the mountebanks of the psych industry and she might have found something out about how to become sober  the consequences of not imagining herself as sober.

Everything we think about ourselves, how we consciously manage our behavior is a product of imagination.  I don't think you can change your life for the better without having a strong and detailed imagination of what you want to change it to.  One strong enough to make a difference in your real life.   I don't think talking therapy, especially that which obsesses on the past, can do that to you nearly as well, as readily available, as cheaply as this kind of self-generated writing and, if you use a password on your computer, as privately.  

Last year I got some hate mail because I said writing was too important a practice to allow the professionals to restrict everyone from doing it, the pseudo-grammarians and devotees of mechanics and standardized spellings from inhibiting People from doing.   Trying to save our lives when we imagine ourselves into or fail to imagine ourselves out of trouble is even more important.  I don't think anyone with a professional ideological concept of how we are to be is likely to be much help to us and that's what the psych-industry is founded in.   I think you're more likely to find help for that in a number of other places, maybe in reading theology of the right kind, though there's lots of that that wouldn't help, either.  

The cheap, stock-image of the drunken author might show a possible danger of being dishonest with yourself.  But that will get me onto the stupidity of the pulp-writers like Hammett and Chandler, even too many of the better ones.  They were, for the most part, dishonest writers.  It will only work if you try to be honest with yourself.  I think keeping it to yourself instead of trying to make money out of it, using a password on your computer, might help to make it useful instead of an exercise in degredation.

Sunday, May 8, 2022

What The Hell?

I HAVE NO IDEA how Maureen Dowd's crappy column ended up pasted into my piece.  I NEVER EVEN READ MAUREEN DOWD.   I doubt it would be worth my while to complain.

Hate Mail - Some Thoughts On The Pose Of Pretending To Not See The Most Obvious Distinctions When It Suits You - Hate Mail

AMONG THE THINGS I've grown entirely tired of there is none that is more tired than the pseudo-legalistic pose of "even-handed" treatment of entirely different and opposite things

Republican-fascists destroying egalitarian democracy - The Democratic Party,

anti-democratic ideologies, fascism, white supremacy (the same in the American context), Republican-fascism, Nazism, Marxism - egalitarian democracy

Violent insurrection against the legitimate electoral order - making the elected President, President according to law,

Lies - the truth,

Rampant evil - any level of morality,

The list could go on and on. 

The idiocy of refusing to make those kinds of distinctions is based in the "enlightenment" idea that nature is going to take care of everything in the end so People can safely pretend that they don't know the difference and that such distinctions are impossible to make on the level of mathematical certainty so we shouldn't bother - I maintain that that is the reason the idiots, Madison and others in the First Congress who scribbled the poesy of the First and other Bill of Rights Amendments were so inspecific as to leave corrupt judges and "justices" the ability to put blatant lies and hate speech on the same legal footing as the obvious truth and moral speech, the legal corruption that has gotten us where we are now.  Something they started doing in little and big ways almost from the start of judge-craft under the Constitution.

No where is that more obviously the case than in the courts* but "journalism" the "free press" is matching them and, in many cases, surpassing them in their "even-handed" treatment of obvious malignancy and anywhere from probable to certain benevolence.  I made the mistake of listening to NPR a bit during my recess and it was among the things about it that reminded me why I stopped giving to them two decades ago.  But that irresponsible non-feasant malfeasance is typical of the American media.  

The media in the United States is not a dependable friend of democracy,  it has been the most effective tool of the anti-democratic forces on the right and the calculated enablers of the anti-democratic "left" who are always ready to be the tool of the fascists.  But it's not only those who are corrupt and clueless, it's pretty much the foremost stand of the media that it's institutional prerogatives are never to sacrificed in the mere service of the truth, the public good, equality and, in the end, democracy.   In that they share the general habits of the legal industry, the lawyers, the prosecutors, the judges and the "justices" who go by or can credibly be labeled as "institutionalists,"   

I grew to despise that term during the Trump years as we were, over and over again, reassured by the media and their talking heads that this one or that one of Trump's goons were "institutionalists" who would never go past a certain point and so endanger the repute or alleged soundness of the institution to which they were attached.  I remember Comey being called that even as that hypocritical Republican boy-scout violated DoJ policy and threw the election to Trump in the last weeks of the campaign, I remember Rod Rosenstein being called that even as he appointed another famous fixture of the Department of "justice" the man of granite with feet of putty, Robert Mueller to conduct his investigation that never amounted to much even as even people I still have some respect for assured us he would not let it become the toy of his good buddy William Barr as he took over and Rosenstein did his stuffed dummy with the glass eyes acts as Barr lied about and suppressed Mueller's long waited for report.  And Mueller didn't do much more than that when he reluctantly appeared before the Congress to not much report on his report.

  • I further learned to despise it during the term of Merrick Garland when it has continued to be used.  I'm just about at the point of deciding that the case on that has been thrown and the jury will never come back on it.

    In an honest, egalitarian democracy, there would be no "institutionalists" because they would hold as absolute bedrock that those institutions have no higher purpose than to serve egalitarian democracy, that the laws have no higher purpose than that and the service to the common good.  Without that the DoJ is no better under Garland than it was under the worst AGs, Sessions, Barr, Wittacker, John Mitchell, . . . you have to go way back before you can find any Democratic AGs who are as malignant as they are, though the media, especially the DC based Washington Press Whores will never acknowledge that fact.   

    * A first draft of this went far into the "free speech" "justicing" that led to pitched legal battles over such matters as requirements for strippers to wear pasties and g-strings and that such bull shit was judged to be important "First Amendment" molehills such as idiot 1960s-> style "liberals" would stand and die on.   For those who object to me doubting the wisdom of the Warren Court and its stupidest rulings, of which there were quite a few.   Maybe I'll do more reading up on the speech of strip-joints and write what I started but it was so stupid I was wondering if the pain meds they had me on were doing the typing.  I have to wonder if those old white men sometimes wondered if they were in incipient dementia as they wrote and read that crap though the civil-libertarians who spouted it were just shameless paid-sills for it, no pasties or g-strings to hide their shamelessness.

    Multiply This By Three And You Get To The Alito Court We've Got Now - Or tolt ya so.

     Tuesday, June 20, 2006


    Molly Ivins' most enduring statement might turn out to be her observation that everyone in Washington DC ends up saying the same things. One of the same things today is that the Senate Judiciary hearings for Supreme Court Justices have become a Kabuki dance. What do you think the chances are that even three of the parrots of the DC press corps knows anything about the high art of Kabuki? Given that within the past year we have been witness to two of these shows and what those were like I'd like to suggest we pass up the obvious "theater of the absurd" designation and go straight to "charades".

    But charades isn't the right word either. In charades while the player says nothing they make gestures that are designed to get the audience to say what the player is thinking. In these hearings there were a flood of words and few gestures, give or take a staged bout of tears, and the exercise was to make the audience NOT say what everyone in the room and beyond knew was the subject of the play.

    Roberts and Alito lied every single time they verbally mimed the pose of not having made up their minds before hearing a case. These kobe cattle were bred and hand raised to provide the most predictable results. They were nominated into the entirely predictable and safe Republican hands to be put on the court to join Scalia and Thomas to gut the Bill of Rights and Civil Rights amendments and to continue the Republican handover of the country to the oligarchs and their corporate properties.

    Everyone in the room knew they were lying. Such press as had any knowledge of the Court and things judicial knew they were lying though I'm prepared to concede that the cabloid clack might not have even known what the Court was. The large majority of us who listened to the entire farce knew they were lying. And now the lies will continue as they do exactly what everyone knew they would do. The very rare times that one of them has a bit of a woozy stomach and does something slightly unpredictable will be held onto like a life raft to prove the myth of judicial independence but that won't happen very often.

    The lesson for the left is that Earl Warren is dead. He's been dead a good long while now. We can stop pretending that the Supreme Court is going to be anything but the hand maiden of the corporate oligarchy. If we are going to fight this its going to be through the ballot and if not there God save us.