Saturday, May 14, 2022

Saturday Night Radio Drama - Louis Kornfeld -Thankless



To help her sick mother, Abigail needs to ask for help from her brother, a conspiracy-peddling radio host.

Monica Wyche, Abigale
PJ Sosko,  Jason
Jamie Newell, Kathy
Max Brand, Chris
Louis Kornfeld, Doctor
Alexis Lambright, Banker
Brian Morabito, Phil
Evan Barden, Intern
Liz Leimkuhler, Social Services
T.J. Mannix, TV Doctor

Written by Louis Kornfeld
Produced by Jonathan Mitchell
Associate produced by Cadence Mandybura

The rebirth of audio theater on the internet has produced lots of tries, some of them terrible, some of them bad, some of them mediocre and some of them very, very good.  The Truth is one of the sources of this new-radio theater that produces some of the best.  The thing I like most about the best of it is that it isn't movies that didn't make it to video production, it's better than that because it tries stuff they'd never try in the movies or on TV.  


  1. "it's better than that because it tries stuff they'd never try in the movies or on TV. " And you know this because , as you've made clear on numerous occasions, that you haven't seen a new move or TV show in decades.

    As always, you're lack of sef-awareness is fucking world class, Sparkles.

    1. I stopped watching because they never did anything different or interesting. You were gushing over a remake of a more than 60 year old musical last year, just as you constantly obsess over stuff that was already ancient history when I gave up movies and, later TV. I have watched both at other peoples houses since the and I'm not impressed. I feel the same way about movies and TV as that guy you endlessly try to convince people you have so much in in common with, Groucho. The man who told Mike Nichols that watching the same show 17 times was absurd (which you were pissed over when I quoted him saying that) and that TV was very educational because every time someone turned it on he went and found a book to read. I listen to maybe two or three radio dramas a week, some weeks not at all and it's easy to find the kind of thing I was talking about in that comment whereas I'd have to spend a lot more time finding anything new with moving pictures attached.

  2. The Buffalo shooter apparently streamed the killings on social media. I should add that he's 18 years old. Let's hear it for the wisdom of the young, as you suggested the other day. :-)

    1. What I said is that geezers who refuse to learn from the young are stupid. I didn't say the young were uniformly wise anymore than I'd say all geezers are as stupid as you and the rump community of cranky codgers of Eschaton. You are the rump of the rump.

    2. By the way, that "ch" is a hard "ch" in Eschaton. I'm not sure the rump know that nor am I certain Duncan is aware of it.

    3. Interestingly, the "Mc" in McCarthy is pronounced "shithead moron."

    4. I'd point out that that's such a stupid shtick that it could be used for anything, Simps, but stupid shtick is all you do, most of it stolen from other talentless idiots and those who are more clever but gave them up to the use of the talentless, eventually them giving it up to the perennial 7th graders like you.
