Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Tempting As It Is To Post

the myriad of really terrible Beatles covers pointed out to me today, one by  a woman who might be the reincarnation of Florence Foster Jenkins without her taste or sophistication - she does the Beatles and other Western pop music -  but, unfortunately for her, not with FFJ's gift for being deaf to the derision* -  I'm not going to waste your time with the old and awful.  I'll let the pop music scribblers do that.  I was kind of tempted to post Mae West singing Day Tripper, she's safely dead so her feelings can't be hurt.

*  I am genuinely sad for her.  I hope she finds something worthwhile to do with her time, something that keeps her away from music for which she has less than no ability.  Not surprising what she likes. 

Update:  If you don't go away I'll post the one that appears to be the Soviet version of Dad's Navy doing "Let It Be".  And that's not the worst of them, by a long shot.  The Fab Four made a lot of money from some really awful versions of their stuff.  101 Strings version of "Help" for example.  You may have heard that at the grocery store between announcements of specials in isle D and that the owner of a green Plymouth should go to the service desk immediately.

Update 2: I'm kind of hurt that DAS would say that about me, he must know it's not true.  Maybe it's said in jest.   

I remember his blog with fondness, I believe I encouraged him to restart it after he gave up.   We used to be the kind of friends that you make online when you'll never meet the person in real life.  He was a window into the great Masorti (Conservative) tradition of Jewish religion, which I came to respect quite highly.  It was fascinating to me how intricate the Jewish tradition was and how varied.  It was like some of the more esoteric topics in mathematics or physics the way he described it. I knew I was too old to catch up.  I never understood why he hung out at Eschaton, it's not like he got a lot of respect there, you've got to be stupid and mean to get that there.  But he's a grown up, he has a right to choose his own unsuitable companions if he wants to. I noticed that he's one of the few bloggers who listed my first blog, olvlzl, in his blog list.  I always thought it was a small but distinguished company, especially as I didn't know how to post a blog-list yet.  Maybe I should put him on the one here, it's still worth a look.

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