Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Ha! - We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, . . .

THE FOX-RIGHT WING MEDIA, Facebook, etc. are the primary carriers of the Republican-fascist attempt to get as many Americans killed by Covid as possible BECAUSE THEY THINK IT WILL BENEFIT THEM POLITICALLY AND SO FINANCIALLY.

What's the difference between them and the most feared of anti-American terror groups?   Al Qaeda are penny ante compared to the Republicans in Congress, on Courts, in State Houses and the "free press" that serves them.

Fuel the backlash against the effort to get more hundreds of thousands, millions of Americans killed by Covid which is rampant in the American media.  If we can't protect ourselves from them by law and regulation, our Constitution has failed at its stated purpose and must be replaced by something that does.

1 comment:

  1. I would argue the fault lies with us, and not in our...Constitution.

    Flawed as it is, whether it is honored in the breach or in the keeping (and more and more the Supremes are making me think they don't honor it at all, even though their recent horrific decision has nothing to do with Constitutional law at all, but wholly with bald partisan politics), the Constitution is not our primary problem: racism is.

    That one has been with us since Columbus got here. Now it rises again as "white" Americans realize, more and more, they are the numerical minority. That scares them to death. In an echo of the resistance to the "Great Society" that elected Nixon and then Reagan, Bush, Bush again, and finally Trump (the echo lasted a long time, growing as it went), now the resistance is to government at all because a Democrat is in the White House. So vaccines are bad, masks are bad, anything to do with public health is "tyranny," and for some weird reason a loud minority prefers death before dishonor (because a mask is dishonoring? Yeah, I don't get it either.)

    I really think this has less to do with "lies" than with fear of a brown planet. The emotions are too raw, the reactions too visceral. It is a lie, but it's a deeper lie than the Afghanistan narrative or the "Dems in disarray" narrative (and why aren't the GOP portrayed as in conflict with themselves, or at least the citizens of the US?). The narratives are bad, IOW, but the base narrative, the fundamental one, the primal one, that this is above all not just a Christian nation (it isn't; does that need to be said?) but a WHITE Christian nation. The "white" comes first not just syntactically but primarily.

    And now that is going away. The fundamental lie, the original sin, of America, is that God gave this land to white people to do with as they see fit, and do to non-whites as they see fit. Rather like Israel in the Exile, we're tasting the fruits of that error; and they are bitter indeed.

    I expect to live long enough to see grandchildren, maybe even great-grandchildren, God willing. I don't expect to live long enough to see that fundamental lie expunged from the culture. Re-write the whole Constitution, I don't think you'll touch that lie at all with law.
