Saturday, August 28, 2021

Alas NOT Satureday Night Radio Dama

I HAVE NOT BEEN ABLE to connect to websites all day.  That's the reason I have not posted a video yet.  I may or may just try again tomorrow.  I'd recommend you try searching in my archive of Saturday Night Radio Drama posts, keeping in mind a lot of things online get taken down fairly quickly. 

Is anyone else having this trouble or is it something up with my old junker?


  1. AND THIS JUST IN: The new chief chaplain of Harvard is an atheist.


    1. Harvard is a whore house, it's no surprise to me that they'd do that,if for nothing else than to make headlines.

      I like RMJ's idea that maybe they foisted all of the paperwork involved on someone who has nothing much better to do. If it's that putz I read about and wrote about a few years back, yeah, Harvard is a materialist whore house, no news there.

  2. In the immortal words of Chrissie Hynde, you're as predictable as Armageddon. :-)

    1. Is that what you call your buttocks? Somehow I could have figured you'd have a name for it.

      You're so stupid you can't even post-dict what I've already said - See Bertrand Russell on left side-bar.

  3. Pig ignorant and totally lacking a sense of humor is no way to go through life, schmucko. :-)

    1. Talking to yourself, Simps. When you start sundowning I'd recommend BG paint the floor outside your bedroom black, sometimes it works to keep the demented safely contained as they'll think it's a hole.

  4. I'm gonna outlive you, by at least twenty fun years, you geezer shithead. Which I'm gonna really love.

    1. On va voir. If the world is going to have you in it for 20 more years, death might not be such a bad alternative. Of course, unlike you I'll only die once because you're so afraid of it.
