Saturday, February 1, 2020

Lame Set Batch

Over Christmas I had a conversation about the inability of the "brain trust" to fathom the depths of what was the first page of my 7th grade math text book that dealt with the most basic concepts of set theory - it was what would later be called "pre-algebra".   The person I was talking to teaches math at a university and grad-school level who is slightly younger than I am.  She wondered if they just may not have emphasized math competency as much in the schools the "trust" went to.  She confirmed my understanding that any group of "objects" can be considered as a set and that any mathematician of even the most basic competence would consider the component geographic entities within a larger political entity would be considered the elements or members of that set.  

I know that among the "trusters" who would have read those counter claims are a PhD geneticist, a PhD physics teacher at one of the most elite private prep-schools in the country, a college level math teacher, perhaps most surprisingly are two who call themselves "scientists" but who I believe are people who studied "computer science" and probably worked as programmers at some level, etc. I'm never quite sure that I buy computer science as being science or whether it's more like advanced clerical work.  It is more of a science than psychology or sociology or much of what gets called "science" but which seems to spend most of its effort on ideological promotion, I guess. 

None of them seems to have understood the most basic foundations of mathematics that we, in my crude, rural 7th grade class, filled with the children of farmers, agricultural laborers, blue-collar factory workers, etc. would have been expected to master our first week of school.  At least none of them have corrected the OC idiot yet.  

Why should I continue trying to do that?  He's not my problem.  

Update:  Such an idiot that he doesn't recognize that his claim is one of mathematics that could only be analyzed mathematically.  Forget day one of 7th grade math, he couldn't fathom a 4th grade word problem. And speaking of problems, HE'S NOT MY PROBLEM, STOP SENDING ME HIS STUPIDITY.  I am powerless to stop him being stupid at the "brain trust" which you can trust to be lame brained. 

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