Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Hate Mail

I have cited the rather impressive frequency with which atheists on the atheist, secular "left" migrate by one tiny baby step from Marxism, or socialism to anything from Republican-fascism to outright neo-Nazism.  The original American neo-cons were largely former Trotskyites who, once their hero was dead and there was no path for his corpse to become dictator of the Soviet regime, migrated to the capitalist, Republican-fascist right.   That's something that Christopher Hitchens replicated, it's hardly surprising that that is also something that many of their opponents in Stalinism did, Max Eastman, Bertram Wolfe, and just your run of the mill 1950s-60s era atheist-quasi lefty, such as Nat Hentoff,  . . .  If I wanted to take the time I would find dozens of examples, from the well known to the now quite obscure.   A life and career spent being a scumbag leaves little reason for anyone to want to remember you. 

I am not shocked at one of the most transparently not liberals but libertarians who slapped a liberal label on themselves of the past fifty years, the opportunist go-to lawyer for rich men who murder their wives camera hog and whiny egomaniac Degenerwitz has gone from someone who flaps his lips about civil liberties to, as Israel turned ever more fascist, became an apologist for what the Likud fascists did, up to and including torture and that now he's gone from someone who got on cable TV saying Clinton could be impeached for non-crimes to saying the opposite when it's is fellow scumbag,  Trump who he claims can't be impeached for abuse of power because it's not a crime by statute- lying about him not having committed crimes to get him off.  

The point I was making is that the "Christians" on the Trump seamy team of lawyers have a relationship to morals no different from the announced atheist on it.  By their fruits you will know them, the "Christian" scumbags share the same amorality of the atheist scumbag.  They share the same ideology, materialism, pretentiously and insincerely idealistic to unadmitted and as vulgar as it comes. 

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