Thursday, May 21, 2020

Our Constitution is a tool used by the Supreme Court to permit that crime spree to continue.

With its order blocking the release of the full Mueller Report to the Congress, the Roberts Supreme Court has taken its place in the criminal enablement of Donald Trump and his crime regime, the Supreme Court is in on turning the United States into a government of one man, one Republican man.

This is so outrageous that it alone must become the reason for making serious and basic changes in the structure of the government,  it has become too dangerous to stand, it is the reason that just returning things to how they were under normal times when overt fascists such as those who adopted the unitary executive and other fascist theories of the present Constitution are put on the court by a party that turned from normal conservatism to fascism in the past fifty years.  

The Supreme Court is using the courtly, lazy habits of the judicial and legal professions, putting of, putting off doing what it is obvious must be done to stop the Republican crime spree, that crime spree was a direct result of a line of Supreme Court rulings dating back to its alleged liberal period which empowered lies and criminals.  The rulings it may have thought it was making on behalf of freedom and the rights of those accused wrongly have been gamed by high price lawyers,  legal theorists whose inclinations are to aid the powerful and rich on behalf of people exactly like Donald Trump, the ignorant, lazy brats of corrupt moguls less dangerous than the ones who were clever and truly educated as they pursue the opportunity to sway and wield power as immorally as they want to.  

The lazy adoration of the United States Constitution is a dangerous cult that refuses to acknowledge the flaws put into it unintentionally, through the haste with which it was actually written and, perhaps even more dangerously, those put into it intentionally by Madison and the slave owners to protect the moral atrocity of slavery, the unrepresentative Senate, the Electoral College various other features, the atrocious anti-democratic features of it which were wrongly believed to have been defanged by the post-Civil War amendments.  

We are in the trouble we are largely through the Supreme Court's rulings, it must be reigned in and the ease with which Republican-fascism has stacked it with some of the worst members in its largely appalling history blocked and prevented.    That majority has to be disempowered by whatever means can be taken - increasing its numbers for one, adopting a term limit for another,  making it mandatory that BOTH the Senate and House must agree to the membership of it.  Of course those would never be done under any Republican-fascist administration in 2021,  it should be mandatory that those a president is going to nominate to it have been on record against the fascist theories of the unitary executive and the other means through which we have been brought to quasi-fascism, the arguments for that in the text of the Constitution changed to make it clear that presidents are not above the law.   

And it doesn't end there.   NO DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE LAWYER SHOULD EVER BE ALLOWED TO ADOPT SOMETHING LIKE THAT IDIOTIC RULE PUT THERE BY, IN EFFECT, A CLERK THAT SITTING PRESIDENTS CAN'T BE INDICTED.  The fixed term system of the United States makes the president too strong to allow for that.   The several times when a Vice President has had to become president through the death of a president has proven that a president is not irreplaceable to the extent that we must allow a criminal to stay in the office for that most convenient and dangerous of excuses, "national security".  

Desacralizing those items of the foolish Constitutional cultism we have adopted as a national religion is one of those things that must be done if we are not to become a fascist dictatorship.   Some may wonder why I have seldom lost an opportunity to castigate the idiotic and lying musical Hamilton, which props up that cult of the "Founders" and their putrid slavery-enabling, anti-democratic Constitution, a Constitution which would have long ago come to this if constant agitation against those things which our generations have been gulled into allowing had not happened.   The struggle against slavery and, after that, the unofficial slavery of American apartheid,  Supreme Court permitted Jim Crow may have actually shielded us from that as well.  But whatever protection we have had from those provisions of the document have been gamed successfully by lawyers and law scholars and Supreme Court members to have made it impossible to get rid of the worst president in our history, certainly the most overtly criminal one, ONE WHO NOT ONLY COMMITS CRIMES BUT DOES IT PUBLICLY AND WITH THE FULL APPROVAL OF THE REPUBLICAN SENATE.   And our Constitution is a tool used by the Supreme Court to permit that crime spree to continue.  It must be changed to both disempower the executive and the Supreme Court if that is what they are going to use their power to do, it must reduce the power of the Senate to allow a corrupt one to do what the Republicans have done.  

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