Monday, November 2, 2015

Hate Mail - The Idiots Will Always Be With Us

"only creationists use the word darwinism...."

I'm not very grateful for Darwin, although I suspect he was right. His ideas make people crueler. Darwinism says to them that people who are sick deserve to be sick, that people who are in trouble must deserve to be in trouble.   When anybody dies, cruel Darwinists imagine we're obviously improving ourselves in some way.  And any man who is on top is there because he'as a superior animal.  That's the social Darwinism of the last century, and it continues to boom.  

Kurt Vonnegut:  Conversations with Kurt Vonnegut p. 76

1 comment:

  1. Does no one remember the "Darwin Awards"?

    Pure Darwinism; and nothing whatsoever to do with creationism.
