Friday, November 6, 2015

Do Your Worst

I wish I could tell you how funny it is to have Steve Simels and some guy who is so mature he calls himself "Skeptic Tank"  mocking me for being a country hick instead of the city sophisticates they are.

And even more so that they think it's going to bother me, considering that more than half of the guys they're yuckin' it up with are probably even less cosmopolitian than I am.  

The big difference between me and them is that I don't care what a couple of guys from places like NYC think about me and they're nervous when they get mocked like that.   I guess it's time for me to take out my theme song again.

Update:  Watch out, Sims, you wet yourself laughing at your own jokes.   Or is that from something else. 


  1. Thus proving you absolutely don't lurk over at Eschaton. You just have a mole who forwards you what we're saying within seconds of when its posted.


  2. You're so stupid you don't even remember sending me that information, yourself, do you. Simps, I realized a long time ago that just about every snarky comment you send me here is copied from one at Duncan's Kolledge of Konventional Knowledge. I guessed it.

    1. Well, we've only got your word for that, Sparky, since you never post what I send you if it makes you look more stupid than usual.

    2. "We've"? So you really don't remember trying to post that comment here. Simile dementia is obviously a thing which you embody.

      As for you and the city slickers of the Jr. High on the Delaware, listen to the song, again, it speaks for me.

  3. Given what a piece of shit it is, obviously it doesn't speak well.

    1. Let's see, the opinion of William Bolcom and Joan Morris, the most eminent living composer in America and one of the most accomplished singers of American popular song or Steve Simels, washed up pop music scribbler and echo of what other pop music scribblers have said before. What a hard choice to make is that one?

      Don't worry, Simmie, you'll always have Eschaton, your empire, your Round Table, your salon.
