Friday, September 3, 2021

The Lid Is Blown Off Of The Facism Of The Republican Supreme Court And The Inadequacy Of Our Anti-Democratic Constitution

THE SUPREME COURT UNDER REPUBLICAN-FASCISM has blown the lid off of the danger that has always been contained in its powers, both under the Constitution and through it assuming powers to itself that are nowhere in the Constitution.  We have lived with that for the past two centuries because those powers have, until now, when they are used against a majority, exercised against minorities. 

That danger was no secret to Black People and other People of Color, it has been with the briefest of interval during the Warren Court and its aftermath, among the chief tools of their depersonalization, disempowerment, discrimination for the entirety of American history.  It was somewhat less true for White Women before now but with the move by the Republican-fascist majority on the court now, it has just given states the ownership of even White Women's' bodies over to abortion bounty hunters, now in Texas, soon in Florida and other states under Republican-fascist control - no doubt when the voter suppression decisions and non-decisions of this fascist majority on the Court come through, cemented into place through the destruction of democracy.

If you think that is overblown, what they have done is to generalize a situation that under the government of Communist China under its one-child-per-family period was assigned to specific government spies and busy bodies under state supervision, generally older women who were to look for women who had a child who appeared to be pregnant again to force them to have an abortion.  Only, this being capitalist America, that opportunity to get paid to pry into the most intimate decisions of a woman about what goes on inside her own body is put out to contract, in effect, so anyone anywhere could make a living off of suing those who help her to obtain an abortion.  

I don't recall who it was I heard make a comparison to the industry of re-enslaving escaped slaves for profit but I think it is an apt comparison.  That was something that previous Supreme Courts allowed as permitted under the Constitution of the United States.   I doubt those parts of it they used have been repealed, nor do I think it would much matter because the majority on the Court as it is, just makes it up, anything they can pretend justifies what they do goes AND THE STUPID CONSTITUTION HAS LITTLE REAL OR PRACTICAL MEASURES THAT CAN KEEP THE COURT FROM DOING THAT.   The impeachment "power" of the Constitution to remove even a Brett Kavanaugh who lied his teeth off to get on the court will prove to be nonexistent in reality.  Without making this corrupt majority into an impotent minority by expanding the court will, also, prove to be a pipe dream. 

That is what the majority on the Supreme Court did, that is what they have proven to be willing to do, short a complete reaction by The Voters by sweeping Republican-fascists out of the Congress, the House and the stinking corrupt Senate - and that Senate being willing to do what is needed, the whole thing is exposed as what it has always been for People of Color, for other members of minority groups, the enemy of those whose most basic rights can be denied by a fascist minority, which is what the Republican Party is in 2021.   

The Court has to be cut down to size because it has been, other than for the rarest and briefest of intervals been the enemy of democracy and the bulwark of privilege against democracy and even the general good.  The dangers in changing the Constitution are real but the dangers of keeping things as they are are as real, as real as the Roberts Court destroying the Voting Rights Act, something that Roberts was as involved in even as he realized his Republican-fascist colleagues went farther than is politically safe for their overall agenda.  That is he didn't go along with them THIS TIME.

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