Thursday, September 2, 2021

Really. THAT'S Your Idea Of A Test Of True Lefty Purity - non-Hate Mail

I DID LOOK AT YOUR LINK AND the Once Up And Coming Leftie Blogger Duncan  Black did, in fact, whine about those who said they wanted abortion to be "safe, legal and rare" because that didn't pass his lefty-purity test by admitting that having an abortion was hardly something you'd choose to need.  Not that I'm all that impressed with the libertarian slacker's "leftism."   As if the position that abortion should remain safe and legal were some kind of compromise with those who want it illegal and so deadly.

I wonder if Duncan would like major, not without pain, expense or hardly pleasant, very potentially life altering surgical interventions of specifically men's bodies to be safe, legal and frequent?  

HOW ABOUT SPECIFICALLY FOR HIS MALE BODY? Of if the aged boy-man had even considered the actual meaning of having an abortion for  women who decided they need to have one.  

I know from looking at the comments on what I was shown that the asses of Eschaton seem to largely see it only in terms of women being available to men for sex, presumably sex that would lead to a man impregnating a women who may, then, have to decide to have an abortion.  The narcissism of the males of Eschaton would seem to be capacious enough to include that as a "leftist" position. As to the women there?  I note one who noted that it's far better not to need abortion services than to need them.  Not everyone there is a narcissistic ass.

I would wish that for Duncan Black and his boys that a major and inconvenient result of irresponsible sex would be safe, legal and rare but if they figure abortion is no biggie, maybe I won't bother.   Happy STD or prostate trouble, Duncan.

I would expect that many women in Texas in the coming weeks, months, years, etc. would hope that men would exercise responsibility so as not to force them to consider unsafe, illegal and probably all too common and potentially deadly abortion as their only choice.


  1. "I would expect that many women in Texas in the coming weeks, months, years, etc. would hope that men would exercise responsibility so as not to force them to consider unsafe, illegal and probably all too common and potentially deadly abortion as their only choice."

    I spent a few hours once in a special Travis County courtroom (the Capitol is in Travis, and so the Texas AG is there), one set up just for the AG to handle child support cases for women who couldn't afford their own lawyers. Believe me, men are not going to "exercise responsibility" any time soon, if that was any indicator. I spent some time trying to enforce child support orders, too. It's remarkable how many men will find jobs that pay cash only, in order to avoid the court order to the employer to see child support is paid first. They will also change jobs as often as possible, to stay one step ahead of the court orders (which only apply to the known employer, not to the new, unknown employer).

    1. I didn't think they really would. Women who trust men to be responsible probably have a higher than average chance of believing in unicorns, though apparently many men would like them to believe in that one.

      I'd love to know which of the legislators who voted for this impregnated women who have had abortions that they are glad they got.
