Monday, January 27, 2025

Reading The Denials Of Elon's International Pro-Nazi Acts And Talk

it's not my fault but from now on I see driving a Tesla as a pro-Nazi act.  Driving one is making a statement whether or not that's the intention, it would be like someone driving a KdF here in 1942.   

Elon should be deported, not supported. 

Support the Lincoln penny, it's beyond symbolic that Musk wants to dump the Emancipator.

As Trump And His Neo-Nazi Brain Musk Forfeit The United States Leadership

of not only the free world but torches our economic relationships around the world,  you should add up the enormous cost of that as the cost of American racism.   

When I said that the American racism, white supremacy that has thwarted American democracy is probably the greatest unproductive cost to the American common good, the common wealth, that was exactly the kind of things I meant.  

The Chinese government simply by a show of respect to the countries Trump and the white supremacists are insulting and flaming on social-disease media is overtaking the United States, as Trump overturns all of the good will that Joe Biden cultivated.  

Racists are costing America everything and no one is pointing that out.   Remember that as American racists whine about the cost of coffee.  Though they'll probably be duped into blaming Biden for it.   They're America's idiots, after all.

As I Have Proclaimed On My Masthead

and unlike the neo-Nazi who is trolling me whose latest screed which I have not posted has a list of imaginary lefty billionaires* he claims I've never slammed, I would destroy all billionaires by leveling their amassed wealth out of existence, reducing them to equality with the least among us.  AND REMOVING WHAT IS INEVITABLY AND CLEARLY A DANGER TO EGALITARIAN DEMOCRACY, THE ONLY LEGITIMATE FORM OF GOVERNMENT THERE IS.

When I say I "Level Billionaires Out Of Existence"  I MEAN EVERY ONE OF THEM. 

As well as liars, right wingers are cowards because they kick down at those without the power to rob them and keep them under water instead of those on top who do that to them.

Conservatives are either those deluded into believing they can become the rich or the many, many millions who are cowards who are afraid to face the reality that their real enemies are rich and so powerful  Their racism makes them stupid, their cowardice keeps them struggling.   They're really just not as good as they love to believe they are.  I've never held back in criticizing the left but at least they have some notion as to where the real source of oppression lies. 

*  Here, from his latest lies about where I stand:

And had no problem with these billionaires (and many more) getting involved in politics:

Arthur Blank (Atlanta Falcons)
Michael Bloomberg (Bloomberg, former New York mayor)
Neil Bluhm (Real estate)
John Doerr (Kleiner Perkins)
Amy Goldman Fowler (New York real estate)
Avram Glazer (Tampa Bay Buccaneers)
Reid Hoffman (LinkedIn)
Robert Hale, Jr. (Granite Telecommunications)
Amos Hostetter, Jr. (Cable)
Bruce Karsh (Oaktree Capital Management)
Vinod Khosla (Khosla Ventures)
Seth Klarman (Baupost)
Henry Laufer (Renaissance Technologies)
Stephen Mandel, Jr. (Lone Pine Capital)
George Marcus (Marcus & Millichap)
Michael Moritz (Sequoia Capital)
Dustin Moskovitz (Facebook)
John Pritzker (Hyatt hotels)
George Soros

Is it me or does that list not seem to be rather top heavy with people with Jewish sounding names?    Anyone who wants to see how unimpressed I am with the billionaire would-be liberals,  all they have to do is look at my archive.  Here's a representative sample of my thinking on billionaires during Trump I:

Friday, July 13, 2018

Abolishing Billionaires And Multi Millionaires Would Do More To Protect Democracy Than Just About Anything Else

Yesterday's outrageous show trial by two House committees under the control of thugs proves that government by the hirelings of even American billionaires will end up, inevitably, turning the Congress into a den of traitors.  Trey Gowdy,  Bob Goodlatte, the mentally defective Louis Gohmert, and the rest of the Republican thugs prove that while Trump is a fully owned asset of the Putin crime family, the Republicans in Congress are owned by Putin's American associates.

I wonder if even with this display of  Putin collusion by the Republican caucus in the House will lead people to admit that our domestic billionaires have no sense of patriotic duty or a sense of obligation to the United States, the People of the United States, our allies who have shed their blood on our behalf, etc.   It's obvious that the billionaires who put a lot of these thugs in office,  Murdoch, the Kochs, the Mercers, Sheldon Adelson own the likes of Gowdy, Goodlatte  and Gohmert, not to mention Paul Ryan and Jim Jordan, when you see them in action you are seeing the will of those billionaires being put into effect by the government of the United States.

That American billionaires and those like Rupert Murdoch who came here to corrupt the United States happen to have legal citizenship doesn't make them any less dangerous to American democracy or even American security than billionaires who speak Russian or are part of the Chinese mafia establishment.  While a few, like Sheldon Adelson makes some kind of pose of dedication to Israel (from what I understand, lots of Israeli's don't welcome his malign influence there) or perhaps his fiefdom in whore houses and gambling dens in Macau and other Pacific venues, none of the billionaire patrons of the Republican Party seems to have any feeling of loyalty or obligation to American democracy.

As I've been mentioning over the past few weeks, I have come to the conclusion that falling for the pretense that the great struggle for democracy has been against anti-democratic ideologies was a smoke screen.   All of them, the Nazis, the fascists, the communists were first, foremost and last gangsters who exercised power to steal stuff and land and enslave people.   That is how the Soviet Union turned seamlessly into what developed into the Putin crime family, the Maoist dictatorship into China's Victorian capitalism on steroids as communism, all in the hands of a class of billionaires largely formerly members of the communist establishment.

The existence of billionaires is the greatest danger to democracy, certainly the greatest danger to egalitarian democracy.   While I'm sure you could identify billionaires who haven't been, some who seem to favor democracy over oligarchy, they are more than made up for by those who aren't only ready to sell us out to their fellow billionaires in other countries, they already own the Congress and the Executive and are about to have bought themselves the Supreme Court, too.

And I'm not that impressed with the record of the most allegedly pro-democracy of billionaires.   George Soros has been making all kinds of noise and spending money for "civil society" for a long time and look at the results, no time since 1945 has there been a greater danger from fascism in Europe, North America and elsewhere.   The Hungarian fascist leader Viktor Orban, who is kicking Soros' Open Society group out of Hungary was someone Soros nurtured, financing his study in Britain.   I would like to know exactly how "Open Society" has worked to counter the promotion of fascism by the Putin and other billionaire organized criminals because I'd like to know just where it's alleged to have worked.  I don't have any confidence in his judgement and as he doesn't seem to be changing direction, I'm not confident in his actual intentions.

With the explosion in the number of billionaires, with the hoarding of such a huge majority of the wealth of the world into a tiny percentage of the world's population has come a decline in the material well-being of people which softens up people for the appeals of fascism and neo-Nazism, communists having pretty much given up any pretense of socialism in favor of ultra-capitalism, which turns out to also be a mafia style of economics.   I don't think anything but squeezing the hoarded wealth out of billionaires will do it.   Which won't be easy, among other things the civil liberties industry which has so many liberals hoodwinked will fight against economic justice and equality under law on the basis of "freedom".   As I've also pointed out many times, they have had a large role in producing this catastrophe in the United States. 

Whenever you hear someone say "Soros" as the white supremacists, neo-Nazis and Republican-fascists do (if you'll excuse the tautologies) what they really mean is "Jews" in exactly the same way proto-Nazis, Nazis and previous neo-Nazis have said it AND THAT'S PRETTY MUCH THE ENTIRE REPUBLICAN-FASCIST PARTY AND THE MAJORITY OF THE AMERICAN MEDIA, THE "FREE PRESS" THESE DAYS.  As for Jewish billionaires who support that, like the widow of the pimp of Macau do, they are Nazi dupes.   The irony is that it's their Zionism that has led them into league with those who want to murder them.   But that's a larger and more interesting discussion.   Wealth tends to make those who pursue it or inherit it or marry into it stupid.  Any billionaire is rightly suspected of mental illness, their obsessive wealth craving is an irrational obsession.  Egalitarian democrats should cure them of it, definitively and permanently.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

The United States Is Ruled By A Mentally Defective Nut Case Loon

and our media is OK with that.  

This is what the entire American establishment, legal, judicial, political, media, financial, etc. has brought us to. 

America has forfeited the leadership of the free world under Biden to Donald Wack-a-Doodles with the absolute power the Republican-fascists in the Congress and on the Supreme Court have given him. 

We can't avoid it, the Republican-fascist Party is incompatible with American governance.   Europe, other democracies have to face the fact that America has degenerated to the point to where they can't depend on it for leadership and they will have to do the best they can without it.   And it's our establishment, from the media right up to the Roberts Court and the American billionaires who run them that has done that with eyes wide-open.

As The White Supremacist Churns - Hillary Clinton Is The Most Massively Exonerated Human Being In History

Republican-fascist thugs in the 1990s, the 2000's, the 2010s and now in the 2020s have been claiming that Hillary Clinton was corrupt and a criminal, they have unleashed Congressional committees, their staffs, special prosecutors (including the massively money spending Starr and others), the FBI, countless other governmental agencies and, certainly, private investigators to build a case against her,  they have had corrupt Republican-fascist Attorneys General trying to nail her AND THEY HAVE COME UP WITH ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ON HER AND NEXT TO NOTHING ON HER HUSBAND.


And Donald Trump is a convicted felon and an adjudicated sexual criminal. 

Hate Mail - Racists Are Stupid

or, perhaps, stupider than they would be if they gave up racism.   That's as clear as the American racists who put Trump and Republican-fascists in power AND IT WAS AMERICA'S RACISTS WHO PUT THEM IN POWER.   No amount of disaster within recent lived memory educates them.  I used to expect them to get it when they made a huge mistake:

Nixon, his crimes, his continuation and expansion of the war he lied about having a plan to stop in 1968:

Reagan-Bush I and the economic disaster they created:

Bush II, his and his National Security Director, Condi Rice leaving us vulnerable to the 9-11 attacks, him and his brain, Dick Cheney using the ignorance and racism of the majority of Americans to sell them the even more horrific disaster of their Iraq invasion and war AND YET ANOTHER AND BIGGER ECONOMIC DISASTER (you'd figure that one of those of that size would have educated the Repubican racists, but, no).

Trump I with the economic disaster, the hundreds of thousands, perhaps more than a million AMERICANS DEAD from his Covid criminal insanity.  But, again, no. 

Racists, from the most ignorant bro-kulcha sub Joe Rogan cultist to the intellectual racists in the Ivies, their law schools, on the Supreme Court are stupid or stupider than they'd be if they gave up their racism but they're too stupid to think their way out of it.  Such stupid people are endemic among the billionaire class, apparently, and especially the ultra-billionaires.  If Elon can achieve that status, it's clear you don't need brains to harness the corruption of our laws and legal system which are kept in place and enhanced by our racist residual slave-power.  

I don't much care what clap trap of academia promoting erudition you can mount in a comment to me, if you can support Trump and Republican-fascism, you may be primarily motivated by your greed - another thing that makes People stupider than they might normally be - but I know it's your racism that is the foundation of it.   You will never forgive Democrats for nominating and electing one Black Man - what gave us Trump instead of a less stupid white-supremacist, Republican-fascist to start with - and you'll certainly not forgive Joe Biden for choosing a massively qualified Black Woman as Vice President and for Democrats for believing that she could, through reason and appeals to moral judgement, overcome the media-promoted racism and sexism that put Trump in power, again, after the debacle of his first regime.  

How stupid your racism makes you is indicated by how stupid your man-god is,  and he's world-class stupid.   Here, you can listen to this piece about how even Brit Conservatives know it and talk about it among themselves.