Tuesday, January 28, 2025

As Entertaining As It Would Temporariy Be

to just keep posting off of the neo-Nazi who is going all OC over what I post, he's going over too much old ground.   Like "neo-classicism," "neo-romanticism" and most other brands of neo prove, nothing gets old faster than the neo.

That doesn't mean it's not necessary to keep on with what their gods like Elon and Trump are up to, just that we can't allow them to set agendas.  They are liars and cowards and if there's something the right wing media, FOX, CNN, the networks and bots and now the major dailies like the NYT and WaPo practice, when what you say is unattached to reality, you can just keep lying up anything.  I haven't gone into the role "opinion journalism" has played in our descent into fascism in a while, have I?

Reality is what's real, it's what's important.  The Trump crash is happening a bit faster than I anticipated and the most mentally deficient president in our history isn't going to learn what tariffs are and who pays them.  He'll NEVER, EVER admit that he didn't know what he was talking about, like any spoiled rich asshole baby man like himself, he'll insist that he was right and everyone else is wrong.  You know, like Bruno Ganz acted out  when he was told Steiner's attack wasn't going to happen.   Republicans and the 30 or so percent of Americans who voted for Trump have put the big, fat, stupid despot into power for the next four years and they are going to crash everything like when they put Coolidge and Hover in office.   I hope and pray there is real and deep Constitutional change this time when the country turns to democrats, perhaps Democrats to save them, yet again.   Only hopes and prayers aren't enough.  We tried to save democracy with keeping the Constitution after the Civil War and slavery was abolished in its de jure form, after the Great Depression, after Jim Crow was temporarily overturned and it has never worked.  We need to dump the presidential system with fixed terms and we need, more than anything to level billionaires out of existence.   We need a whole new thing and this time it has to be based on equality, not libertarian notions of liberty.  "Nature an nature's god" doesn't automatically right things if you just let them sort themselves out.  You need rational judgement to carry out moral imperatives and equality is one of those, do to others what you would have them do to you needs to be the basis of the law, the economy and society.

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