Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Listening to Little Bobby In Front Of The Senate Committee

 I CAN'T RECALL a more slimy, dishonest piece of crap testifying for such a major job and I've listened to virtually all of the Republican-fascist testiliars for Supreme Court seats,  many of those in previous Republican-fascist and Republican administration who were plenty slimy, dishonest and shitty. 

His refusal to answer Senator Warren's questions about him personally profiting from the scummy lawsuits his law firm has brought and will bring against vaccine manufacturers and others, pretending that she was asking him to not bring law suits even as she pointed out, repeatedly that that wasn't her question constitutes perjury.  

I was never all that far gone on the Kennedy mystique even as I admitted that, generally,  Edward Kennedy recovered from his slimy past and became a generally good Senator.   Caroline Kennedy gave an unprecedentedly scathing assessment of her cousin, calling him a predator and someone who has led many, his own close relations and People he has influenced through his for-profit anti-vaxxer hypocrisy, to their deaths and the deaths of their children.  

His confirmation will probably go through, Republican-fascists put Hegeth through they'll put anyone through, and it will be a milestone in the descent of this country into the most depraved of corruption.  They've never given a shit for the health of the American People only he profits of the corporations.   And now we know Little Bobby Kennedy is all in on the same sort of thing.  He is a good example of the worst of the play-lefty left, which is never far from self-interested depravity especially as practiced by millionaires, billionaires and their slimy heirs.  It's a rare one who won't turn on a dime like he does as soon as he sniffs his interest goes in another direction.   He's the kind of person who makes me hope I'm wrong about hell because he deserves to burn in it.

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