Wednesday, January 29, 2025

As The Republican With The Neo-Nazi Handle Rages

 Right, unlike your NEW ground of calling Republicans Nazis and insisting any criticism against the Dems is racist/sexist/fascist/homophobic, etc.

Really, I'd have thought you'd realize by now that I read a bit of history now and again.  Hell, a lot of that I remember reading as current news.

It's not new and it started well before Trump's owner, Elon made his two Nazi salutes during the Trump II inauguration.*  But I won't go all that far back.   Here's what the Republican friendly "The Hill" said last spring.

Former President Trump has once again stoked outrage for his flirtation with Nazi rhetoric, this time with a video posted to his Truth Social account that used the phrase “unified Reich.”

The video drew swift condemnation, including from the Biden campaign, which spent the day on the attack and noted it was just the latest instance of Trump using or promoting language often associated with Nazi Germany or World War II dictators.

Here's what the cowardly, FOX lite, Trump enabling CNN said

Donald Trump dabbles in Nazi allusions too often for it to be a coincidence.

The latest example is a video posted on the ex-president’s social media account that features a fake headline implying the US could become a “unified Reich” if he wins a second term in November. The video replicates what appears to be World War I-era newspapers. But the term “Reich,” which means a kind of empire, is also synonymous with the later Third Reich of Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Germany. The presumptive GOP nominee’s campaign insisted the sharing of the third-party video on Monday was the work of a staffer and not Trump, who was in court. It was eventually taken down hours later on Tuesday.  

Here's what they said on a previous occasion when Trump was talking to a "right leaning "news" organization:

 Former President Donald Trump said in a recent interview that undocumented immigrants were “poisoning the blood of our country,” using language that is often employed by White supremacists and nativists in comments that have drawn rebuke from one prominent civil rights group.

“Nobody has ever seen anything like we’re witnessing right now. It is a very sad thing for our country,” Trump told the right-leaning news site The National Pulse in a video interview published last week. “It’s poisoning the blood of our country. It’s so bad, and people are coming in with disease. People are coming in with every possible thing that you could have.”

Trump’s comments, which gained traction online this week, drew condemnation from the Anti-Defamation League, whose leader called the remarks “racist, xenophobic and despicable.”

“Insinuating that immigrants are ‘poisoning the blood of our country’ echoes nativist talking points and has the potential to cause real danger and violence. We have seen this kind of toxic rhetoric inspire real-world violence before in places like Pittsburgh and El Paso. It should have no place in our politics, period,” ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt said. 

You'll note that even the goddamned ADL hack, a previous Obama appointee couldn't ignore the Nazi language of Trump, the reference to the Pittsburgh Synagogue attack and the El Paso shooting by another neo-Nazi makes it clear he and those who quoted him recognized Trump's neo-Nazi rhetoric for what it is.   And that's just Trump, someone whose first wife said his bedtime reading was of a book of Hitler speeches some rich asshole figured should feed into his diseased mind. 

And that's just Trump,  Republicans, such as yourself, are overtly Nazi adjacent as American white supremacists have since the rise of Nazism.  It was largely Republican businessmen and anti-New Dealers who promoted "doing business with Hitler." Those ties go all the way back to the beginning even as Hitler cited American white supremacy as one of his inspirations.   The white supremacy that Republicans took to their heart in the Goldwater-Nixon "Southern Strategy" is our own and far more enduring and influential form of it and you, Herr neo-Nazi name, couldn't be a more representative specimen of it if you put on the brown shirt and arm band.  

It's the Republicans who were anti-Nazis who need an explanation, not the ones who are all in on it, now.  Even the Goldwater era survivors are largely appalled at what their party has wrought.  Those who weren't all-in on it from 1964 onward.

America's white suprmacists are, by and large, OK with Trump's and Musk's and your neo-Nazism, CNN right now is,  as I've pointed out last week, even the ADL is OK with it because things are a lot worse than they wanted to believe they were last spring and they're cowards.   The billionaire tech-bros are all in on it, though Trump's idiocy will probably get them to turn on him because he's going to soon cost them a lot more than they hoped he'd hand over to them for the bribes they're giving him and his crime family.  Vance's owner,  Peter Theil isn' going to be less of a danger than Elon, once they've pushed the senile, fat old neo-Nazi aside, though he's probably less likely to do Nazi salutes on ketamine.

Here's just a bit of what I was aware of as far back as the late 1960s

In the nostalgic memory of some liberals, William F. Buckley is fondly recalled as an avatar of a more cerebral and genteel conservatism, one that rejected extremism. In this misty-eyed view of the past, Buckley was the type of conservative liberals could get along with, open to debate and willing to denounce extremist cranks like Robert Welch, founder of the conspiracy-obsessed John Birch Society.

Walsh counters this sentimental myth by noting that

 "the relationship between the far right and the “respectable” conservatives was far more intertwined than Buckley would later suggest. Not only were Welch and Buckley once friends—Buckley had approached Welch in 1955 for seed funding for the magazine that would become National Review—but many of the men in Buckley’s orbit blurred the boundaries between the respectable and radical right…. The first book review editor for National Review, Revilo Oliver, was a professor of classics at the University of Illinois who believed that communists and Jews were behind the civil rights movement and that the ultimate goal was the genocide of white people. Oliver would eventually become a major figure in the American neo-Nazi movement."

Walsh’s concept of a “right-wing popular front” is extremely clarifying. We can see how this popular front functioned in popularizing Holocaust denial. This subject is described in a superbly researched article, “The Pre-History of American Holocaust Denial,” by John P. Jackson Jr., which appeared in American Jewish History in 2021. Jackson, who teaches at James Madison College at Michigan State University, documents that “Holocaust denial, far from being the sole province of the extreme antisemitic right, was often embraced by the mainstream right wing of American politics.”

There's only one motivation for Holocaust denial, it's because you like Nazism or are at least OK with it and that stuff has been present in the mainstream of the American right before the Holocaust happened and, so, the Republican Party since at least the 1930s.   I remember the news coverage of the 1964 Republican Convention, the one where those who left the Democratic Party after the adoption of the Voting Rights and Civil Rights Acts let their freak-flags fly for the first time,  the acts which the Roberts and, before him, Rehnquist Courts were overturning even as Republicans in the Congress had voted to reconfirm them, including that head-case Clarence Thomas.  It's all the same thing as those who had to fight against the Klan in the 1920s knew.  You are part of our indigenous equivalent of Italian fascism and German Nazism, which is why you're OK with it.

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