Wednesday, December 16, 2020

The Court Should Know That Rubber Stamping Corrupt Pardons Will Blow Things Up

IF the many criminal-cover pardons that Trump has been and will certainly issue are upheld by the courts and the Supreme Court, IF THE BIDEN JUSTICE DEPARTMENT DECIDES NOT TO PURSUE A JUDICIAL OVERTURN OF THEM BECAUSE THEY ANTICIPATE THE COURT WON'T DO THAT, then it is proof of a number of things.

First was the absolute stupidity of the "founders" in granting such blanket pardon power to the president which they knew could be used for such a purpose, of covering up law breaking by members of that presidents administration and others, of the friends and family members and others who a corrupt president would choose to pardon.  Even to cover up his own criminality. The discussion of the "founders" proves that they knew the possibility of that, they knew it from their experience of living under the limited monarchy of George III.   

Second it will prove the total nonfeasance and likely malfeasance of the Supreme Court when it comes to correcting the worst possible interpretation of the worst consequences of us being saddled with a rather badly written Constitiution.  The Supreme Court has never been slow to bend and in some cases go beyond the language of that document, especially when it served their own assumed perogatives and to their own benfit.  I've mentioned the extra-constitutional matter of judicial review to overturn duly enacted laws, something which appears nowhere in the Constitution.

Among other things it will prove is one of the worst aspects of having a written Constitution is that it provides ass-cover for a Supreme Court which either doesn't want to do what is vitally needed to protect egalitarian democracy or wants to favor its own side, party, class, etc.   They can do exactly what they want to do and use the language of the Constitution or an earlier claim about that in the same way that Robert Mueller used that appalling DoJ memo to not even investigate huge areas of criminal activity by the Trump regime.   

The Trump pardons that will protect him, his family, his cronies and fellow gangsters, thugs, crooks and law-breakers being allowed to stand should be among the final straws that lead people of good will  to either insist on changing the words used by the thugs on the Supreme Court and elsewhere to do evil or to break away from a country which will not make those changes even in light of the Trump era crimes.   We've got to get past the founders fetish to face the fact that they were not paragons of virtue or even wisdom, they were a bunch of slave-drivers and oligarchs and pretty sleazy businessmen.   We wonder why egalitarian democracy eludes us, why the reforms fought for, literally with people shedding their blood and losing their lives for equality and justice and the rule of law and not of rich men yet we cannot get past the worship of the reason that we can't get past it, the thing which Supreme Courts have been using since Dred Scott to prevent equality and democracy right down to the Roberts Court.   We have got to give that up, even if it would make "Hamilton" look like the stupid and dangerous lie that it is.   

We have got to serve notice on the Roberts court, right now, that their refusing to call corrupt pardons illegitimate and refusing to nullify them is unacceptable.   I think if they did that, if those corrupt pardons stand it should be the beginning of the break up of the country by those places that are tired of the criminal enablement built into the Constitution.

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