Saturday, December 19, 2020

Saying This In The First Person - Dressed Like A Wedding Cake Raymond Burke Lies, Bears False Witness, Spouts Racist Rhetoric, etc.etc.etc.


I almost never bother listening to the fascist Cardinal Raymond Burke but did so to his seditious, lying speech given in place of a homily for the kind of Catholics who would probably have sucked it in if he'd just reread an updated rant by the infamous Fr. Charles Coughlin. There are way, way too many Catholics who are prone to fascism, there always have been and there are power-hungry, evil clergy who are ready to lead them to the devil. And that is an incredibly petty and vindictive cult within Catholicism, one that reaches into the highest reaches of the hierarchy, well financed by billionaires and multi-millionaires.


I don't know if there has ever been a formal and extra serious sin for ordained men in the Catholic church, one that constitutes the sin of lying, breaking the commandment against bearing false witness, spreading racism and bigotry from the alter or lectern during what is supposed to be the Mass, though I doubt they'd ever make it a punishable offense that would involved removing such a liar. If there is such an officially named sin, Cardinal Raymond Burke is among the worst of those.


I doubt there will be any punishment of Burke using the church to promote Republican-fascism and to lend his energy to forementing seditious violence of the kind that fanatical, fascist Catholics are probably more prone to than your average American. I say that knowing full well that the rap that Catholics have gotten for supporting fascists is one of the favorite tools of its enemy. As someone considered a Catholic, maybe those in the hierarchy who support fascism should consider that they are the reason such charges are not entirely an expression of bigotry.


I find it both understandable and enormously frustrating that Pope Francis has not punished the liar Burke, a man who, as a trained in law, such as Canon Law is, one who has conducted trials yet is a liar, a slanderer and a bearer of false witness and racism. Pope Francis has tried to reestablish the model of hierarchy in which the Pope doesn't practice dictatorial powers but it's certain that the U. S. Catholic Conference of Bishops would never criticize Burke and don't have the power to punish him for the sacrilege of lying from the pulpit during a mass. Only Pope Francis could do that. 


I find this does, in fact, match the case of the infamous radio priest, Charles Coughlin in that there were Cardinals, influential ones, who tried to get the Vatican to shut the fascist up. He was actually dangerous. In the end it took a combination of the death of the archbishop who supported him - Even Pius XII wasn't the absolute dictator that JPII wanted to be - and the FDR administration moving to change the rules to require broadcasting licenses and the stations who carried him because he was profitable dumping him as they may have lost their ability to broadcast. You're not going to cripple sedition of this kind without doing that, again.

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