Sunday, March 1, 2020

Thoughts After The South Carolina Primary

I hate to say it but I wish some health issue would remove the oldest three of the Democratic presidential candidates from the race, I mean like right now.  I think of the still viable candidates who might save us from four more years of Republican-fascism if it's not going to be Warren, it's Klobuchar. Mayor Pete is an idea whose time hasn't yet come, though it's clearly coming.  And young Mayor Buttigeig has time on his side in exactly the way Bernie Sanders certainly doesn't, as Biden doesn't, as Bloomberg should not have and as Steyer probably doesn't, either.  

If there is one thing that is clear from this mess it is that the Democratic National Committee has got to take direct control of the nominations process and first and foremost of the things it has to do is 


No more Bernie Sanders carpetbagger operations run by a pieces of shit like Jane Sanders and Jeff Weaver can be tolerated.  No more divisive NON-FUCKING-DEMOCRATS should be allowed to enter the Democratic nominations process, ever again.  I'm not sure if Bloomberg fits that category of non-Democratic carpetbaggers but if he does, then it goes for him too.

They have to end the anti-democratic caucuses and, given the fact that this year it might be a health-risk to go to the polls, to consider conducting a mail-in ballot for the nominations.  If the California experiment goes tolerably well, that will have proven its value.  If there are problems with it FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, WE'RE STILL HAVING CAUCUSES AND LETTING THE IOWA SCREW-UPS TO LEAD THE SEASON!  AND NONE OF THEM SHOULD BE OPEN TO NON-DEMOCRATS WHO HAVE NOT BEEN REGISTERED MEMBERS FOR AT LEAST 6 MONTHS OR SINCE THEY TURNED 18!  

And these goddamned debates.  Either have real debates on set issues or dump the pony show altogether.  

I have no idea how this is going to turn out, though I'm wishing on every star that  Bernie Sanders is knocked out on Super-Tuesday - it's more charitable than wishing him health problems and I've already done that.  I hope Biden gets taken out too but I doubt that's going to happen.  

I actually don't blame Tom Perez for the mess this year is, the Sanders ratfuckers had more than a little to do with that as did state parties and state legislatures.  If he's to blame for some of it, they're to blame for more of it. 

And don't get me started on the absolute need to once and for all get shut of the fucking play left.   Oh, look, you don't need to because I'm already started.

It is one of the great tragedies of the American left that people who might be the best on some of the issues turn out to be such a bunch of asshole losers.  And I don't mean the candidates, I mean the people like Sam Seder, Michael Brooks, Michael Moore (who I would love to never hear another word from as long as we should both live) and pretty much the rest of the lefty media and the lefty play-media.   Michael Brooks had on the asshole Marxist econ prof. Richard Wolff to talk up Bernie and tear down Elizabeth Warren - who would be a contender if Sanders hadn't sandbagged her.   That asshole Wolff is someone I'd love to look into because I doubt he's ever predicted anything much right and I'll bet his academic scribblage is full of discredited bull shit - he is a Marxist, after all.  

Richard Wolff is such a devoted fan of Bernie Sanders that last time he supported the Putin asset Jill Stein.  I sometimes wonder if figures in the American "left" may have been assets of the old Commies as the American Communist Party turned out to have been and they just took reimbursement from the post-Commie former-commie gangster Putin.  I certainly wonder that about some of them because it's pretty seamless how they went from one to the other, just as the former-Commie Putin took that well worn baby-step from Marxism to fascism.  Of course those in the American secular left couldn't' do that because their brand is based on having the Marxist label.  Or its equivalent. 

I had some hopes in Sam Seder and Michael Brooks but this year has finally shattered any delusional hopes I had in such younger people, they're just the same old, old, old kinds of assholes that Marxists and quasi-Marxists have been since they destroyed the old Socialist Party, some like John Reed on the orders of Lenin and Trotsky, some just for kicks.  A lot of them turned to Republican fascism as they saw opportunities that Communism didn't give them. 

They are all treacherous liars and hypocrites and we have got to build a real left that pointedly excludes them and never gets in a position where we will depend on them because they are entirely undependable. 

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