Friday, May 3, 2019

Someone Still Has His Pinafore In A Twist Over Me Calling Lindsay Graham A "Faggot"

I didn't call the selfish princess Lindsay Graham a "southern belle".  Though, since you brought that up, don't know if you took French in high school, he definitely qualifies as a southern bel or could be if you follow that by a vowel, such as in the word "asshole".  South Carolina has produced a number of his type of wealth servicing aristocratic faggots since the antebellum period.  And I did mean that as a slam against South Carolina.  I hold my state guilty of inflicting Susan Collins on the United States, I'm not going to hold back on judging the majority of voters in the home of treason, one of the two original states who imposed so much original sin on us through the Constitution in the Constitutional Convention.  Maine might prove me wrong in the next election, I'll believe it when I see it.  I am not going to hold out for South Carolina doing that.  A state is to blame for what they send to Washington.  Especially to the Senate. 

I'm really not interested in what a straight man has to say about the word "faggot" as I used it.  Get stuffed. 

Update:  Grandmere_Poissonniere, T’es donc ben niaiseuse. 

Update 2:  I had to temporarily post a comment by the guy who slanders me at Duncan Black's blog to make sure I was really reading what I thought he had said, that when he, an old Jewish man - NOT A WOMAN - uses the sock puppet "Slutty  Jewish Girl" . . . Well, temporarily suspending my resolution, here's what he said.  "When a Jew, like me, does it, it's ironic and funny."  That would be him using it as a sock puppet over a number of years to post comments on blogs.  When I, a gay man, use the term "faggot" to out Lindsay Graham - a gay man in a party from a state hostile to equal rights for LGBTQ people and a party which has used hatred of gay men, like Lindsay Graham to win elections, a Republican-fascist, Trump tool, the Teaneck TV retarded expert on the real right way to do things said, "when you call Lindsey a faggot, you're being a disgusting bigot who doesn't remotely understand what a pig you are.. The reason you don't understand that is because you know nothing about irony and humor. Or prejudice when it's not you're ox being gored."

"You'll never get it, moron."

Passing up the opportunity of pointing out the misplaced apostrophe (he is always calling me out on my typos) but not passing up the opportunity to point out he accuses me of not understanding irony,  and then there the  rest of the comment, well, the rest of it says it all, doesn't it, right down to the word "moron".  Any irony in his comment was unintentional but lying there for anyone with more of a mind than he has to see.  

I have removed the comment itself, though by the method that shows it was once posted, in case he denies having sent it.  I did copy the whole thing and could post it, 

Assholes like that always figure its OK when they do things that they condemn other people for,  So the Teanecker has that in common with Lindsay Graham and the rest of the Republican-fascist faggots who support the Republican-fascists and Trump.  Irony is a weapon that should only be used by those equipped to use it.  it's so liable to end up wounding the stupid who make the attempt. 


  1. That word always makes me wish I'd kept my copy of "Bored of the Rings."

    1. This is the one and only kind of occasion I use it for. I think in this one instance, to call out the likes of Lindsay Graham, used by a gay man, it is the best word for it.
      The funniest thing is that the typical troll has joined in, you remember, the one who used to use a sock puppet he named "Slutty Jewish Girl" (for those who don't remember, try searching my archive for that search term). He said I was a bigot for using the word. There's nothing stupider than a blog troll atheist, though lots of Republican ones are as stupid.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
