Friday, May 3, 2019

Last Word On This This Week

If eliminative materialism, the holding that human consciousness is an illusory epiphenomenon of material causation acting on molecules that just happen to be present and in temporary proximity to each other in our heads is not false, then literally EVERYTHING, everything in all of human culture, the entire history of recorded and verbal human culture, education, academic discourse, including what the eliminative materialists construct their assertions out of and the collective audience of those they gull with their nonsense is totally and entirely meaningless.  Literally everything they publish, all of their ersatz erudition is as meaningful as the babblings of Kellyanne Conway on the White House Law, Sarah Huckabee Sanders from the podium and Donald Trump in his tweets, writ, as it were, on toilet paper.  In fact, I can think of no more valid comparison than among those things. 

To believe Daniel Dennett's philosophy is to reduce his philosophy to insignificance.  As I've pointed out many times, materialism is the only ideology that can only be true if it is false.  All of our perception and all of our conclusions about the material world would be exactly as illusory as the consciousness with which we have those perceptions and draw those conclusions and you would have to be a total idiot to not understand that in short order.  Materialism is an ideology that is held by a myriad of such idiots. 

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