Saturday, January 1, 2022

Throw Away Predictions Made Because I'm Too Tired To Really Write Something

YOU DON'T WANT TO HEAR any predictions for 2022 from me anymore than I wanted to read online this morning that apparently some of the internet crowd they should have gotten the net for years ago are troubled because of the "meme" that 2022 sounds like "2020 too."  Adding orthographic stupidity to the stupidity of believing that memes are real instead of imaginary.  I would like to start one that says that "memes" were a stupid invention by a rather incompetent Darwinist to try to plug up a huge hole in his unevidenced, outrageously unscientifically expansive claims for Darwinism of the worst kind.  And that anyone who believes "memes" are real is a chuckle-head. 

I don't have any good idea what the new year will bring except that the Supreme Court will overturn Roe and will do some terribly appalling things, though I'd be surprised if they are supportive of Trump because they want to get rid of him all the better to turn this country into a one-minority-party state through taking full advantage of every oversight and intentional thwarting of democracy contained in the Constitution.   

The Senate will almost certainly continue to obstruct the Democratic agenda on the basis of two non-Democrats who run as Democrats - that is if at least one of them doesn't cross the aisle as I expect him to.  Or, maybe, Manchin will listen to his constituents and figure his bread is buttered on that side, though I'm not waiting up nights. 

The elections are too far away to have any clue as to what those are going to produce, anyone who tells you they know has a very high likelihood of turning out to be all wet.  It's cold, foggy and misting here so I don't want to get all wet. 

Global warming will come on stronger with an enormous cost to the environment, plants, animals, environmental systems and human beings, the poorest among us paying the highest price.  The idiocy of modernism will not learn a damned thing from it. The Courts will learn even less.  

On the longer term future, I think that the only hope for humanity is if enough people become convinced that God by whatever name they call God wants us to act responsibly on the basis of equality and good will and that that will only come strong enough to work if it has that basis, we may see both an increase in that kind of religion with a decrease in the evil kind because the evil kind comes with those consequences.  I hope that the secular ideologies that pretend they can do the same things are discredited because they not only can't, they won't and their very bases lead to the opposite of what needs to be done.  They have no effective, consequential component in them to give even the innocuous and falsely anodyne among them an ability to do what needs to be done.   The other day an online Marxist whined to me that the problem with Communism is that it's never been tried, I said anyone who didn't notice the century-plus of communism in real life was too stupid to listen to - I believe it was either a college teacher or a grad student I was dope slapping.  Those people will be the very, very last to get wise in their credentialed wisdom.


  1. Hey Schmucko -- "meme" simply means a piece of conventional wisdom that's entered the realm of folk wisdom. You know -- like "cleanliness is next to godliness." It's got nothing to do with Darwinism.

  2. Stupy, never let it be said that you even bothered to do the minimal level of fact checking before you said something really stupid. From your idea of a "definitive" resource, Wikipedia:

    "Although Richard Dawkins invented the term meme and developed meme theory, he has not claimed that the idea was entirely novel,[18] and there have been other expressions for similar ideas in the past.[19]

    For instance, the possibility that ideas were subject to the same pressures of evolution as were biological attributes was discussed in the time of Charles Darwin. T. H. Huxley (1880) claimed that "The struggle for existence holds as much in the intellectual as in the physical world. A theory is a species of thinking, and its right to exist is coextensive with its power of resisting extinction by its rivals."

    Really, to get to be three times over the age when someone with college-credentials should have known the minimal requirement fact checking of being taken seriously by serious people is quite an indictment of your ideological side. I've noticed there's more of that at Eschaton than I'm sure The Horse of MWO would have tolerated in a cabloid or tabloid before she'd have attacked it. Duncan must have really made her proud. Only, I think he's more likely why she gave up.

  3. It never fails to amaze me that English is not your first language.

    1. That would be so much more impressive a feeble attempt at an insult if you didn't demonstrate immediately before that you can't read, you can't think and you can't tell the truth and you don't care about it. I can only conclude you haven't got the slightest idea of what any of it means. Your every comment fairly calls out that you were a theater major.

  4. "Your every comment fairly calls out that you were a theater major."

    Apparently you think that's some kind of devasting put down. Here's a clue, shithead -- it's not. :-)

    1. For some reason this reminds me of what Flo Kennedy said when a man asked her if she were a lesbian, "Are you the alternative?"

      I've known a VERY FEW theater majors who weren't idiots, usually they were most interested in writing and directing, they should have learned directing through apprentice ship or writing by writing. Given most of the theater majors I've known it's a description of your M.O. deception, non-artistic artifice, repeating lines others created, attention getting.

      The idea that someone should be able to major in theater is about as stupid as that someone should be able to major in "communications" and the results are there to be seen. I ALWAYS tell my students who think they want to major in music to major in something else unless they are very good and can't imagine doing anything else with the full knowledge that they will almost certainly not be able to make a living in it. Music is best learned by apprenticeship and by doing it. Theater is probably better learned by writing and producing audio drama and local theater than by the sheltered workshop of college productions.

    2. Oh, and I proved you were wrong about memes not being invented to plug up gaping holes in Darwinism, I should have added "deflection" to that list of habits obtained from hanging around theater departments, "dishonesty" too. It's not to be wondered at how living in make-believe so much would be good training for being a liar, though there have been honest people who went into it so many aren't.
