Wednesday, December 29, 2021

"Institutionalists" Should Have A Dictionary Definition "Those who will stand by spewing empty words as democracy is destroyed"

MERRICK GARLAND IS IN VIOLATION OF HIS OATH OF OFFICE, he is the kind of Department of Justice functionary which we learned about during the House Intelligence and Justice committee's hearings into Trump's illegal attempts to shake down the Ukrainian government to manufacture dirt on Joe Biden before the 2020 election.   I will never stop noting that in those hearings it was the lawyers, especially those associated with the Department of Justice who were empty suits with feet of clay even while it was clear that people in the Department of Defense and the State Department acted as brave patriots who are devoted to democracy and the rule of law in a way the large majority of lawyers proved they didn't.  When the diplomats and military officers called to testify were able to note how they stood up for democracy, the lawyers covered their own asses and used their devotion to their various institutions, the Department of Justice, so called, and the FBI. 

I don't know who in the Biden administration thought Merrick Garland would be a good Attorney General, they were tragically wrong.   If it was the same bunch who convinced Obama to nominate him to the Supreme Court, I'd like to know because they shouldn't have a hand in any kind of decision like that.  If it was Joe Biden's decision, alone, I pray that he does something about his big mistake before it's too late.  And I don't mean nominating him to the Supreme Court.

The graduates of the elite law schools, especially those Ivy League schools that have comprised a majority on the degraded and rotten Supreme Court have proven to be at best a very weak link in the security of democracy in the United States.  Democrats should have a stated and practiced policy of increasing the diversity in the higher courts to lessen the influence of, especially, Harvard Law, Yale, Princeton and the other schools which have given us so many of the worst Supreme Court "justices," Attorneys General and others who have done so much to use the law to destroy democracy and those who, allegedly devoted to democracy, such as Garland, will, nonetheless, let Republican-fascists burn it up so as not to disturb the cotillion-like propriety of their own, according to its rules, faultless professional life.   The nice order that Merrick Garland upholds in his nonfeasance is exactly what the economist Thorstein Veblen called "futile classicism" only he was talking about something that was innocuous, standard English spelling.   The futile classicism that Merrick Garland is upholding is giving the Peter Navarro-Steve Bannon fascists more than their January 6th putsch and criminal conspiracy among Republicans in Congress did. 

Please, President Biden, tell Merrick Garland to resign while it's still possible to replace him with someone who will do his goddamned job.

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