Wednesday, December 29, 2021

You Save Humans And Animals Alike, O Lord - The Radical Salvation Possibilities Of The Belief That Jesus Was God Incarnated Which Is Unique To Christianity - A Christmas Post

WHILE NOT NOW INTENDING to transcribe her entire and great lecture about Deep Incarnation Theology, I am thinking of transcribing large sections of Sr. Elizabeth A. Johnson's lecture from last year "You save humans and animals alike, O Lord (Psalm 36:6) Reshaping Our Imagination of Salvation."   I am posting it here for anyone who wants to understand what I meant when I said Creation Theology was my preferred theological understanding.   I reject the traditional Catholic theology - though I think it's actually mostly a product of 17th century modernism - that radically limits the realm of salvation to a minority of the human population.  It is, I think, a product of the introduction of some of the more unfortunate Classical era pagan philosophy into the far broader implications of the greater Hebrew tradition, one which is far more in line with the ideology of the triad of control in Walter Brueggemann's lecture which I dealt with most of this month.  

I will admit that partly it is a response to the impending death of my sisters old and beloved dog, a dog I've known and had companionship with me for the past ten years - he was a tornado rescue dog who they estimated was three to four years old when she adopted him.  Partly it's a means of coping with the catastrophic consequences of the global environmental crimes of all People and all places putting the triad of control in power to govern us.  

The Deep Incarnation Theology like the Liberation Theology that I also like so much is the real alternative to that materialistic triad.  If it is folly then it is the kind of holy folly that Jesus exemplified and encouraged in his most radical of all programmatic triads, as Brueggemann talked about early in his lecture. 

If Sr. Johnson or whoever has the rights to her speech would not like me to transcribe it (I'm sure her text, if it is published, will be superior to my efforts) I would like them to tell me by posting a comment.  I will honor such a request.  If it's OK with her, I'd like to know that too.  Though I doubt she'll hear about this.  I'm always open to correction.  I love being corrected as opposed to the alternative of being mistaken.  

Here it is with the warning that the introduction goes on for about three and a quarter minutes.  

Direct link to video.

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