Saturday, December 18, 2021

The Left Are Such Suckers, Falling For The War On Christmas Stuff

THERE IS ALWAYS bound to be a stupid article or video or movie or something else encouraging the left to needlessly and futilely and, so ENTIRELY STUPIDLY to antagonize large numbers of Americans about unimportant, symbolic bull shit.  And an Alternet-Raw Story typist named Mia Brett is doing that, giving FOX a war on X-mas where there really isn't one.

Every year around this time we get to argue about the religious significance of Christmas symbols only to be told they’re really secular celebrations of winter holidays. Some places choose to decorate celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanza while others pretend Christmas trees aren’t really Christian. Also if you make an issue of the obviously Christian decorations you’re treated as a killjoy grinch.

As a Jewish woman whose mother loves putting a Christmas tree up, I would really like to say none of this matters and just enjoy the holidays. But unfortunately, I have to be that little grinch and point out that the ubiquity of Christmas decorations, and the claim they’re really just secular, is a pretty big cause for concern. Honestly, it should violate the Establishment Clause of the Constitution but, since we live in a Christian country, the Supreme Court has convinced themselves Christmas trees are totally secular and for everyone.

Who the hell needs this right now?   We're on the cusp of Republican-fascists destroying electoral democracy with a Republican-fascist Supreme Court ready to cement one-fascist-party rule into place and this stupid bint wants to have a Christmas tree war?    I think she and Raw Story should get some kind of award for some really stupid timing or one on promoting needlessly counter-productive futility for the losing play-left.   

This kind of shit has never had any good effect on American politics, it's nothing like the great struggle for the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts, it's not like the great struggle for Women's rights or LGBTQ rights, it's not like the struggle to protect the environement, for food and drug safety and the great struggle for economic justice.   It's the whining of a bunch of affluent white jerks who are looking for a way to get paid and a byline in a little read couple of publications that for whatever good they do are entirely willing to blow it on something like falling for the FOX bait on issues like this. 

I certainly haven't wanted the government to cross the line of neutrality in religion, I don't want them sponsoring prayers or forced religious observance but, then, I don't like the ubiquitous coercion to pray to the flag either.  I don't like it at all BUT IT'S NOT IMPORTANT ENOUGH TO LOSE WHAT WE LOSE WHEN WE MAKE IT AN ISSUE.  I don't like people eating meat or hunting wild animals either, I hate it and the inevitable cruelty involved in it but I know that the United States is a carnivore majority country and that to make too much of a thing about that will cost us more than it will get us BECAUSE IT NOT ONLY WILL GET US NOTHING, IT WILL PUT MORE REPUBLICAN-FASCISTS INTO OFFICE AND ON THE COURTS. 

Wise people pick fights and the wisest fights are the ones that you can possibly win and the ones that fighting will cost you more than you win from the fight are not on that list.  Having a hissy-fit over Christmas trees in public spaces is not only one we can't win and will enable our opponents IT ISN'T IMPORTANT TO START WITH YOU STUPID ASSES.   

If there is one thing that is certain from when they first sued over prayer in the schools, the praying that was done was no more a danger to anyone than saying the Pledge of Allegiance is, even with those words that hurt the feelings of those antagonistic to religion, "under God".   I do find those words offensive because if there's one thing that is obvious, our country is not run like it is under God, unless that god is Mammon.  But my feelings on that are totally unimportant and the offense is hardly any kind of real danger.   

Grow up, lefties.  That's my advice.  This is the kind of issue you bring up when you have 80 votes to spare in the House and two-thirds of the Senate and at least 6 liberal votes in the Supreme Court AND IT'S STILL A STUPID ISSUE TO GO AFTER THEN.   Let me know when a Christmas tree ever hurt someone from a minority religious group or some atheists, maybe then it will be worth talking about.  Now it's just stupid as fuck to bring it up. 

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