Friday, December 17, 2021

Is The Guy Who Tried To Use A Stolen Diary To Be The James Comey Of The The 2020 Election, Keeping Trump In Power, A Journalist?

IS THE SCUMBAG LIAR and Republican-fascist criminal, liar and extortionist James O'Keefe a journalist as he and his scumbag criminal associates in his media organization claim they are?   A liar so dishonest that his Republican-fascist lie generating machine goes by the name "Project Veritas."  Are they protected by the same Supreme Court granted permission to lie about Democrats with impunity given to the New York Times and every other corporate and mass media and, now, scumbag run social disease media entity in the Sullivan Decision?  I'm guessing that there are a number of Republican-fascists in the federal judiciary who would hold they are for entirely political purposes.

I'm going to turn around that dishonest question that was aimed at me yesterday, who gets to decide he isn't a journalist with all of the rights and privileges claimed by journalists for them and theirs and even scumbags like Julian Assange who is merely a smarter, more successful, more destructive James O'Keefe as he's lauded as a hero of journalism.  The one Roger Stone weaponized, the meat-head "lefty" "civil rights activist"  Randy Credico very possibly acting as a go-between before Stone threatened his support dog,*  That's a very real question because their attempt to extort an interview late in the 2000 campaign on the basis of their having the stolen diary of Ashley Biden is not different from what made so many of us lefties suckers for Assange who, after all, was part of an effort to groom a mentally unbalanced member of the military to steal enormous amounts of intelligence and released in as irresponsibly a way as possible.  

I'm sure there are members of the media who would assert O'Keefe was a journalist entirely for the interests of the journalism industry and those who make money from it.  There have been more than a few of those who supported their colleagues even as they broke the law in the past, I don't see that O'Keefe and his bunch of lying raunchy ratfuckers are different from someone like Judith Miller except that she mongered a war with NYT published lies that got hundreds of thousands killed and helped some of the worst terrorist groups in the middle-east.   I checked, online references say she's a journalist, even now.  Just like John Yoo is still a distinguished professor of the law. 


If there's one thing you can count on from the media as as you can from the play-left, is that they'll make common cause with the worst of the right because the thing they hate the most is a Democrat who can win office and change laws.  As someone pointed out to me, you can count on them to savage Democrats like Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden for never doing enough even as they enable the Republican-fascists who destroy whatever such Democrats can accomplish.  The secular lefties are always hatin' on Nancy Pelosi when she is the farthest real left of anyone who has risen to her position in the Federal Government in the history of the country.  They'll certainly tear into Biden when Assange is brought here to face the very real and serious crimes he committed against this country, very likely getting more than a few people killed, crimes that certainly benefited Putin and other billionaire gangster-despots and the non-billionaire Trump.  And yet people wonder why I don't hold the media in the high esteem they insist is their right. I'm sure they will probably give Assange some award for journalism,  though they probably have.  The media adore giving themselves awards and medals and prizes.  They're worse than the entertainment industry for that.     

I hope to someday see the footage of the cops pulling O'Keefe out of his apartment in his underwear, I hope there's footage.  If there is it would be justice for it to be made public. 

*  Don't get me wrong, I'm on the dog's side.  I'm always on the side of innocent creatures.   I would ask why so many of the fanboys of Assange cared more about Randy's dog than they do the people Assange's massive dump or raw intelligence reportedly endangered.  Maybe if they heard some of them had dogs who were endangered they'd feel somewhat less supportive of him.  

Update:  See Also RMJ's morning post about this.

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