Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Hate Mail

HERE'S SOMETHING YOU DON'T HEAR MUCH, if we didn't have the Electoral College and the insanely baroque system of enacting that anti-democratic atrocity, the ratfucking of the 2000 election incited by the actions of George W. Bush's brother, Jeb Bush in Florida and their cousin John Ellis at FOX, continued through the Brooks Bros. putsch and five Republicans on the Supreme Court and the even more extreme version of that in 2020 would never have happened.

What Trump and his crime mobs did would not have happened, neither would the various ratfucking attempts in various states by Republican-fascist state legislators have happened except that the fatheaded, slave-owning and financial class Founders didn't think their financial interests were safe with something like democracy so they did everything they could to welsh on their democracy talk they used to get the plebs to fight their revolution while appearing to honor it. 

Now that the corrupt lawyers and liars are not being held accountable for what they did, as long as the members of the Trump crime family and their gang and the billionaires and millionaires who funded it are not being punished to prevent a retry, as the corrupt and cowardly journalists are trying to minimize what happened we can count on one thing, they'll use the Electoral College, the corruption in Republican-fascist run states to make sure that they can repeat what was done in 2000 to put the loser of an election into power as, in fact, happened in 2016, as well - Hillary Clinton getting more votes than Trump did - because the Electoral College is nothing if not eminently suited for preventing the winner of the election from gaining the presidency.  It's what it was designed to do.

If anyone wonders why I rail against the sacred Constitution, the deified Founders, against the idiocy of such ahistorical razzle dazzle show biz shit like Hamilton, it is because the founders fetish is and has always been a vehicle to prevent equality, economic justice and a real, legitimate, egalitarian self-government of The People, by The People and FOR THE PEOPLE from happening and becoming the normal way which the United States was governed.  Alexander Hamilton was one of the chief enemies of democracy among that assembly of slave owners and financiers who wrote things like the Electoral College into law though he was hardly the only one.  James Madison was far from anyone we should trust on that count, either. 

It is the enduring superstition of the American civic religion that we are morally bound by the thinking of people who died 185 years and longer ago.  As if the collective experiences and knowledge gained of the millions of people since then counts for nothing, AS IF THE COLLECTIVE EXPERIENCES AND KNOWLEDGE OF THEIR SLAVES, THE WAGE SLAVES, WOMEN, THE NATIVE INHABITANTS OF NORTH AMERICA AND SO MANY OTHERS counts for nothing as opposed to the thinking of a small, hardly democratically chosen group of rich, white men whose motives were as shifty as any such assembly of rich, privileged men can be counted on to be.   

So, you wonder why I bring that up so often, it is because it is and remains one of the greatest dangers we face and almost no one is willing to talk about it in the terms it must be faced in for it to stop being a danger to us.  The Electoral College like the anti-democratically composed Senate, the various corruptions inherent in the way the Supreme Court is staffed, those are all booby traps set by the founders to prevent self-governance by an accurately informed People of good will because such government would have been as unprofitable to them as it is to today's billionaires, millionaires and other gangsters foreign and domestic, such as all conspired to put Trump in the presidency.  Those opportunities, thanks to the Citizens United decision of the Supreme Court - based on that sacred First Amendment - have been extended to even those foreign gangster dictators such as Putin, those in the middle-east, China, etc.  That is something that the Founders really did seem to want to avoid but thanks to their duplicity, we've got it, today.

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