Tuesday, December 14, 2021

It Will Come With A Large Serving Of Alito's Ass. . . uh, Salad Dressing - Anyone Who Is Expecting Equal Justice Under Law From This Court Is Out Of Touch With Reality

IN SOMETHING RELEVANT to my post on the abysmal Supreme Court action to let the Texas abortion law stand even while it's in direct violation of standing Supreme Court precedents: 

CNN reports that Gov. Gavin Newsom of California intends to introduce legislation modeled after Texas' law inviting vigilante enforcement of an abortion ban but will apply it to gun ownership. Admittedly, watching the conservative majority of the U.S. Supreme Court eventually hoist on their own petard will bring about some schadenfreude, but the Newsom approach is still not good for the country. The old adage, "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em," has all the marks of defining deviancy down in this moment of history.

Michael Sean Winter's  warning would make sense if you expected there would be any consistency or even much of a desire to mount an appearance of applying equal justice under law (that lie that appears above the door of that temple of mendacity) by the Robert's court majority with its six-Republican-fascist majority but I predict that instead of his "defining deviancy down" they're already there, they will have no trouble at all coming up with their predetermined outcomes, calling balls and strikes even before the game begins, it's what got those liars on the court.  They'll come up with some pretty words to cover their lies but, as Alito's salad-bar prose of late has shown, they won't even much bother to make that seem to cohere for anyone who can read.

The only good thing that will come of it is that it will force more people to face the sordid history of a frequently sordid branch of government and its certainly sordid present under the successfully rigged rules of the Constitution, lifetime-appointments of "justices,"  their ability to make law from the bench overturning laws, even those adopted by Congress and accepted by the Executive of the Federal government, a super-legislature in which five votes by unelected liars in robes rules now.   Along with that we should face the fact that now that they've figured out how to rig things, as long as the anti-democratically constituted Senate is given the sole authority to confirm members of that court, along with the rigging of the electoral college, the placement of the losers of presidential elections into the presidency - which the Supreme Court has collaborated in within our lifetime- putting two Republcian-fascists on the court, etc. as long as those things remain unchanged and at the disposal of the Republican-fascists, the status-quo ante is as dangerous now as it has ever been in our history. 

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