Wednesday, December 23, 2020

You Get Rid Of Stories You're Going To Find Yourself With Very Little In The Way Of Human Culture

Just a quick follow up to yesterday's posts.   Looking at David Bentley Hart's translation of Luke's Gospel, it struck me how the text, at least twice, heavily implies that the narrative of Jesus' birth, the visit of the Shepherds, right up till she and Joseph find Jesus in the temple at the age of 12, wowing the scholars and Rabbis with his erudition are based on "sayings" that Mary "kept in her heart."  So it's obvious that at least Luke was relying on her testimony or testimony she passed on to someone who told it to him.  As for the Magnificat clearly being inspired by Hannah's own song of praise, why shouldn't a Jewish woman be familiar with it  and having it called to mind when her own life reminded her of it?   

I don't know if any of that happened through first hand knowledge but that's true for 99.9999999999+ percent of the past and present that falls outside of my personal witness or which has multiple attestations or evidences.   

I meant it when I said that human understanding of complex events relied on putting them into a narrative context. If you want to make hay over that you'll have to put up with the way that the Trump regime, the Republican-fascist party and the corporate media have dissolved trust in the truth because it relies on the same methods of pat debunkery that you want to bring to this story.   I don't remember, weren't you one of the ones who got mad when I ripped apart Dawkins "first bird to call out" Just-So story as lacking not only the level of evidence required for science but, really, any level of evidence and that it, furthermore, was mathematically impossible to both have the scenario occur and it having the results Dawkins claimed for it and, furthermore, it transformed superior eyesight and hearing into mal-adaptations, all of those eviscerating the natural selection that was both Dawkins' motive in making up his story, a story made up with the goal of providing evidence for natural selection, adding the logical sin of question begging to total incompetence?   You see, you atheists are in love with your stories, even when they're rather stupid ones.

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