Saturday, November 7, 2020

You Think The Networks And The NYT Would Have Waited This Long If Trump Had Won?

I haven't been able to find the list I'm looking for, of the state vote in numbers for either Biden or fascism, I suppose with our appalling chaotic and ripe for ratfucking elections non-system, it's early to get firm numbers for that.  My motive for wanting it was to find out how many votes were entirely thrown out, as the electoral college, winner-takes-all system does that and has done that since the slavery protection racket put it in place.   As one smug Canadian pointed out two days into the four days of Staters sitting on the razorblade, "we always know the same night."  Elections Canada should be in charge of our elections from now on, we Staters don't seem to have a clue how to do it honestly, transparently and efficiently. 

If you want to piss me off mightily you would show one of those blue-red maps that also disappears, in this case, a little under half the voters in the country, I'm sure there are plenty of Democrats who voted for Biden over fascism in even the most benighted and corrupt of our states, Ohio, Louisiana, and for fascism over Biden in the most relatively enlightened states, I know my state of Maine is not high among those, as reliable as the First District here is generally more so than the Second one. 

I'm doing more and more reading of the non-hagiographic kind to see just how sleazy the Constitution we are supposed to revere and pretend is perfect really was from the start, those features put into place by the coalition of slavers and crooks being the very features that the Republican-fascists on the courts use to nullify egalitarian democracy and the common good over and over and over again, as they have throughout our history.   It is a lot more interesting than the bullshit feel-good pop history that gets on the morning talk shows and shows up on the NYT Bestsellers list and that gets the rap and dance moves treatment on Broadway.  You won't retain many of your illusions about the plaster saints among the "founders,"  even the relatively good of them were sleeveens.  They were buisnessmen.  We just found out what having one of them as president really is instead of in Frank Capra Hepburn-Tracey bullshit.  Adam Smith, the real one, not the as-seen-on-PBS and touted by the likes of the young Ted Cruz or Benny Shapiro,  said it plainly enough.

“People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices.” 

I'm looking forward to the inevestigation of the Trumps, the Kushners, Pence, Mnuchin, Ross, Devoss, . . . 

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