Thursday, November 5, 2020

It's A While Since I Did Stupid Mail - Better The Day Better The Deed

Working to get direct popular election of the president and vice president is, literally, in every way entirely more radical than anything the entire population of Marxist meatheads have proposed in their lazy-assed futility.  Even good things they may have joined onto (and taken credit for) were certainly more harmed than helped by them.  Marxism may have been vilified in the beginning but it has, since then, more than justified its total discrediting.  The same can't be said for democracy when that has been allowed to happen.

Direct popular election of the president is a means of preventing illegitimate governments, no president who has not been put into power by the largest number of votes of the American People has any right to anyone considering them as legitimate.

Considering how great a store of affection those dear old commies of Hollywood, Broadway and small magazine lore had for some of the worst mass murdering, genocidal tyrants in history, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, even, before he fell out of favor due to premature exposure of his mass murders in the New York Times Pol Pot (he really did briefly have a place in lefty support) even within memory the Kim regime, it's no wonder they have not thought it worth struggling against the worst features of the American Constitution.  


And, yes, I will always point out that those dear old commies of Hollywood and small magazine lore, Dalton Trumbo, the Hollywood 10, Lillian Hellman, did support mass murdering dictators in the Hitler class of such genocidal mass murderers. No Marxist should ever get to live that down no more than any Nazi or Darwinist should have what they've supported overlooked.


Apart from the practical repair of American democracy being too boring for their cultivated minds,  if there is anything they couldn't depend on it would be gaining power through the popular vote of Americans.

The little satirical instructional video that Stephen Colbert showed last night was good except they left out that the motive in creating the electoral college was a protection of the slave owning minority elite and their allies among Northern financiers and bankers from the morality of the majority of Americans, should they ever take the Golden Rule, the Great Commandment of Jesus more seriously than just words they heard in church, now and again. It is their ideological and financial descendants who have gained the most skill at ratfucking American democracy through it and the use of "freedom of the press" and "speech" and the mass media to lie Americans into a state of moral depravity. 



Well, you won't have democracy without a combination of accurate information believed by an effective majority of the population AND A BELIEF IN THE METAPHYSICAL, MORAL EQUALITY OF US ALL. The Electoral College was established as a safety measure for the privileged and depraved in case lying and debauching the American People didn't do it for them. It even trumps the matter of people voting in their own best interest, as can be seen throughout the Trumpist states on the electoral map. I'm sure there are millions of sane, moral people who live in those states, they are disappeared politically under the hegemony of the Electoral College. They may as well not have bothered to vote as they are disempowered by the combination of slave-owning blackmailers and sleazebags like Hamilton and John Jay.  A non-romantic view of the "Founding Fathers" especially their economic interests and things like their racism and other forms of bigotry is sorely needed in the United States.  The plaster saints made of them are a tool that covers up the fact that their words and schemes in the Second Continental Congress provide todays billionaires and millionaires, their political arm in the Republican-fascists, the supporting media like FOX and Sinclair with what they have used to thwart the aspirations of equality and democracy.   Knocking those phony figures off of their plinths is as necessary as knocking Lee and Nathan Bedford Forrest off of theirs and for exactly the same reasons.   And if we've got to knock those dear old commies off of theirs first, well, as I said, better the deed.

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