Monday, November 2, 2020

If We're Unlucky, Barr Will Still Be There in February - I'll Bet The Supreme Court Will Get Into It Unless The Democracts Take The Senate


I hope you notice how all of those lawyers and DC media hacks near the beginning of this were reassuring us that the already obvious fascist William Barr was going to be a good Attorney General, one of them applying a label to him that we should have learned was a red flag, a flashing light and a blaring siren of danger, "an institutionalist".    I'm no lawyer and I'm no DC wise guy but I knew that William Barr was a fascist in service to Republican fascism because I remembered the role he played in the two Bush presidencies,  the use of the presidential pardon to shield a criminal president and higher ups in his administration, writing legal opinions as ass cover for Bush I in his election stunt of invading a country to arrest its leader and the even worse role he played in Bush II.

All of that was clearly known to all of those DC-DoJ insider lawyers while they were going on the cabloids talking up the transition from the fraudster Whitaker to the fascist hater of equality and democracy, the advocate of an interpretation of the Second Article of the Constitution which was overtly fascist, one dreamed up in some of the most elite of our Ivy and Ivy equivalent law schools.  I have not seen any evidence that the theorists of Republican-fascism have ever suffered so much as having to really answer for it among those well upholstered cesspools.   

I have mentioned before how, during the House Judiciary and Intelligence Committee hearings into Trump's crimes how I was rather shocked and surprised to realize that the courage that was shown by the witnesses strongly tended to come from the diplomats and how the timidity and cowardice came from the law guys and gals.  I concluded that was because diplomats sometimes have to be in situations where they have to really face the consequences of their actions and the actions of those with power whereas at the end of the day the lawyers pack up their offices and go home to their gated communities and genteel suburbs.  The culture of the legal profession is clearly as corrupt as the Supreme Court and the other federal courts, these days.   The same is true of most of the never-were-reporters who comprise the public face of "journalism" these days. 

The elite law schools have nurtured the peculiarly American form of fascism based on the words of the Constitution.   It doesn't much matter if that use of the language was envisioned by the deified "founders" because lawyers who are liars will lie about anything.  One of the best points made by John Oliver's narrative of William Barr was noting his use of long streams of legalistic babble in obscure language which, if you bother to listen to it, is clearly geared to be dishonest.  When you go back and listen to him or Brett Kavanaugh being questioned by Senator Kamala Harris, she was able, by persistent and skillful restating of her question, able to show what a bald and transparent form of lying it is, not even under the surface.  Most people don't have the persistence or the skill to do that, most lawyers probably wouldn't bother to because such lying is a part of the legal game as it's played.  By the way, that was the reason that though so many of the members of those committees are lawyers, the impeachment hearings in the House made the most progress when they let prosecutors do the questioning.   There are lawyers I respect, just not most of them and few who are part of the DoJ-FBI establishment.  

If the Democrats don't take control of the Senate, the Supreme Court will try to reinstall Trump,  Kavanaugh knows that if the Senate Judiciary Committee gets hold of the suppressed materials and investigates the crimes he was accused of and likely lied about, he'll be forced off the court, I wouldn't be surprised if investigations proved Alito and likely Thomas committed impeachable offenses, too.   Roberts knows that if Democrats take the Congress and the Presidency, his power will be dissolved in a reformed Court and, who knows, the process of ending lifetime membership of the Court might really make progress.  Some are talking about 18 year terms, I think that's far too long to keep an Alito, a Thomas or a Rehnquist on the court.  Ten years would mean there would be an overlap into a new presidency and, really, for most of them five years was too long to have them on the court.  Ruth Bader Ginsburg was great but she made the fatal mistake of believing she was indispensable.  Time dispenses of us all and there is no good reason to suspect it will do it at the best time to ensure safety.   I could never square her being Scalia's good buddy with the terrible person he was, especially to the powerless and the oppressed.   I don't see any evidence she influenced him to the better, though, who knows, maybe he'd have been worse if she hadn't.  I do see it as the same kind of chumminess with evil that is rampant in the legal profession, especially at its higher paid levels.  The kind of evil that is obvious in the writing and thinking of a Gorsuch or a Barrett or a Scalia.  

I hope if Biden makes appointments to the court, he doesn't go to the typical Ivy-Ivy Equivalent pool of those well thought of in the DC-DoJ world.  Just like it should be a rule that the Secretary of Education should be a product of public schools and public universities with children who went to or go to public schools.  The structure of American democracy is rotted out from the ivy that climbs up it.  They'll bring it down unless they're pruned back.

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