Friday, November 6, 2020

Either We Scrap This Disgusting Anti-Democratic Blackmail Deal Among Slave Holders And Bankers Or We Deserve To Live Under Insane Despotism I'm Not Willing To Deserve It

IT is an intolerable anti-democratic abomination that the loser of an American election, sometimes even the loser of both the popular and Electoral College, can illegitimately become president of the United States.  After Bush II and now Trump, it is entirely intolerable if that is not changed.

We need a mass, national movement of Americans to abolish the Electoral College.  An implacable movement that won't give up and take no for an answer.   We do that or egalitarian democracy is dead here.  After more than 230 years that long delayed task of Constitutional amendment cannot be put off for even another decade.

Since it will be hard as hell to get small-state legislatures, so many of them dominated by Republican-fascists, to ratify the necessary Constitutional changes to do that without being forced to,  those who live in large states that are disadvantaged by it and those who live in smaller states who are constantly disenfranchised by the Electoral College or who just favor egalitarian democracy over the empowerment of corrupt minorities who believe they are entitled to exercise more power than the majority are going to have to play real hard ball against those states that are dominated by Republican-fascists or those who are opposed to equality.  

The large states and smaller non-Republican-fascist states should join together to block legislation to force states which will not ratify egalitarian democracy to comply.  I would have no problem blackmailing the Dakotas and Wyoming, even Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont into it if they rejected egalitarian democracy finally being practiced.  I would have no problem with that considering the alternative is either to remain under the rule of the organized, corrupt anti-democrats or to have the North East, the West Coast and other states who are unwilling to allow this to continue to leave the United States, finally turning around the corrupt bargain between the Hamiltonians of the North and the slave powers in the Southern States that inserted the vile thing into the Constitution to start with. 

After Bush II and Trump within eight years of each other, the fascists are getting better at installing incompetent crooks as president. 

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