Thursday, October 1, 2020

The Anti-Democratic Booby Traps All Through The Contitution Have To Be Scrapped Or Democracy Will Die

It was good that Nancy Pelosi prepared the country for the horrific possibility under our anti-democratic Constitution that the choice of the president would be made by the House of Representatives, the only part of the federal government that is even theoretically ruled by the will of the majority of voters.

That provision of the Constitution, part of the baroque anti-democratic atrocity of the Electoral College - what to do in the event of the failure of the Electoral College to choose a president - that each state no matter what size would have one vote, the majority of each state delegation having, no doubt, the majority of its members deciding how their entire state would go.  That means even if a state had an overwhelming vote for a Democrat for president but had one more Republican in its house delegation, no doubt in most cases it being the product of a typically gerrymandered House districting scheme, they could disenfranchise all of the Democratic voters in their state to choose Trump, this year, no doubt ending any more of the pretense that our system is the democracy we have all be lied into believing we had.

Not being satisfied with fucking The People with the abomination of the Electoral College, when that didn't work they made a system that was even worse to fix that.

There is no reason for a nation that falsely believes it has a democratic Constitution to put up with this 18th century slave-owner-amoral businessman anti-democratic corruption to continue.   If those provisions were brought to a popular vote for renewal, a straight up or down, popular vote on whether or not to retain the Electoral College and the disgusting provision for the House to choose a president when that fails, it would certainly be rejected in favor of the direct popular vote for president and vice president.  

Our Constitution is a play-thing of corrupt lawyers, manipulators, and with a list of decisions out of the the Berger, Rehnquist and Roberts Courts,  bilionaires and millionaires, at first domestic and now, with full warning of what they were opening us up to, billioniare gangster dictators of other countries.  It is their tool, the tool of the corrupt "justices" on the Court, all of them rigging things for their Republican-fascist party, some of them adherents to the explicit fascist theory of the unitary executive, which, as well, rests like a basilisk egg on the language of the "founders".   

We have to basically change it to get rid of the booby traps preventing democracy that were consciously put there to protect slavery and corrupt business interests at the start.  The fascists are getting better and better at manipulating it, the combination of a string of disastrous democracy killing Supreme Court interpretations of its language mixed with, first the use of computers that the (minimally repentant?) Republican thug Richard Viguerie pioneered and which the internet, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. have nuclearized against the rule of an accurately informed People of good will in favor of autocracy and the most obscenely vulgar of dictators. '

Democracy in the only form in which it is better  than gangster government, egalitarian democracy, was promised in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution was written to renege on that promise the extent to which the aristocrats and slaveowners who wrote the thing dared to cheat The People of it.  It has been a constant struggle by Black People, Women, members of ethnic, national and religious minorities, the Native People of the lands stolen, and more recently the disabled and LGBTQ people against the system that that Constitution set up to get what was promised in the Declaration and which the Constitution certainly did not produce.  Now we are in a period when Republican-fascists on the Court are, again, rolling back progress bought with blood, sacrifice, lives devoted to justice making incremental progress against the Constitution using the words of the Constitution as a weapon against democracy.  Those decisions have, with the full knowledge of those "justices" as they were warned that they were opening us up to the billionaires, domestic as well as foreign, to have democracy cheated from a gullible margin of the population and so stolen from the rest of us.  It is time to take those words so used against egalitarian democracy away from future judges and whatever "justices" might be given that title without scare quotes and with a capital letter.  There might be as many as three of those later ones on the court, for now, some courts haven't had a single one.  

If we don't get rid of the Electoral College and its baggage of such anti-democratic abominations as may well happen in December and January, they will succeed in the future as this corrupt court lays the ground for that.  If we don't take those words from them they will weaponize them against democracy even more effectively with the help of billionaires, here and even among the enemies of American democracy and The People it would serve if it were a real democracy.


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