Tuesday, September 29, 2020

What Isn't Serious Is Continuing To Let Them Use The Constitution Against The Will Of The Majority

Of course I'm serious about states unwilling to remain under the thumb of the Dakotas and Wyoming, the tyranny of the anti-democratically comprised Senate and, by the way that figures into the Electoral College vote, the power to prevent Democrats naming members to the Supreme Court, etc, should leave and form new countries which adopt really egalitarian and so truly democratic constitutions.

What isn't serious is that after Bush II imposed on us twenty years ago by the Rehnquist Court and the crooked Jeb Bush government in Florida (with cousin Ellis on FOX setting it off) and then Trump being imposed on us sixteen years later by the Electoral College as he, as well, lost the election that we should remain part of a system rigged from the start to subject us to the will of an anti-democratic and not infrequently crooked minority of the vote.

I would, of course, pity the egalitarian democrats, the people of good will who remain as an unempowered and disenfranchised minority in their states, people who can vote in every single presidential election and never once have their vote counted because the Electoral College throws it out, those who may have voted for Democrats but who, as we all do, have our votes diminished by the fact that the anti-democratic voters in the Dakotas and Wyoming have enormously more representation in the federal government than even their relatively few Democratic representatives, as we can see, over and over again, the system is rigged to give the anti-democratic Senate power to thwart the democratically constituted House and is corruptly entrusted with more powers than the only really democratically chosen part of the federal government. 

The claim in the original Constitution that they were "forming a more perfect union" is a lie, what they were forming was a corrupt bargain which has repeatedly thwarted real democracy, favored the wealthy and powerful, just as that original corrupt deal between the slavers and the northern money men intended.  What was originally set up under that corrupt compromise to protect and perpetuate the financial interests of the slave owners is turned by Republican-fascists to protecting the billionaires and millionaires and neo-Confederate thugs  over the rest of us, they are dismantling every reform, hard one AGAINST THAT ORIGINAL CONSTITUTION over the past two hundred and more years.   

No, what is stupid is tolerating the perpetuation of the corrupt bargain over future generations, over our own generations, allowing the same anti-democratic corruption - now with modern technology and the power it gives  those with power and the money to buy it - to continue in the form it is being brought back to.   

Without getting rid of the Electoral College, the anti-democratically constituted and empowered form of the Senate, without getting rid of the stupidly written parts of the Constitution, including changing, especially, the first two amendments in the "Bill of Rights" and those in relation to the powers of the president which they have gamed to lie us into first Bush II and now Trump, what is absurd is continuing to be a part of that till the crack of doom.  Which, by the way, Republican rule is hastening, not putting off.  Some of them obviously want it, some of them pretending to be "christians". 

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