Friday, October 2, 2020

Our Media So Often Makes Public Lie Public LIfe



I should have included the execrable piece of crap, The Hill, with PBS and NPR and C-Span in that list of media entities slammed here the other day.   This was pretty accurate in assessing its role, such as it is, in public life.  I'd go on but that will get me into talking about one of The Hill's media figures, Krystal Ball, and I don't think what I really think of her would be edifying to hear, though it might be satisfying to say.

On a slightly different topic.  Listening to some, not all of but some of the always gone to October Undecideds, they sound like this kind of media narrative is what fills their minds with mush.  The gal who was as upset with Biden telling "The President" to shut-up and seemed to think that saying that as Trump weaponized incivility and butting in was as bad as telling a violent. racist, misogynist, antisemitic criminal gang to "stand-by" when invited to condemn them  has to be about the stupidest of them. Other October Undecided are pretty stupid but that was the stupidest excuse for not making up their minds I've heard from them.  I  wouldn't be surprised if they go out of their way to find phony ones to push a pro-Republican or at least Republican-friendly narrative to fill air.  I'm sure there were a hell of a lot more of even the October Undies who listening to the debate thought "finally, someone says it to him" when Biden told Trump to shut-up. 


Update:  I don't know if it's New Blogger or something I'm doing or what that keeps reproducing paragraphs and breaking lines.  But I'll try to finally break the habit of using a borrowed computer to do these posts and go back to my decision of using only the simplest text editor I can find to write them.  

Now, let's see if this edited the way I wanted it to this time. 

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