Wednesday, September 30, 2020

It's Entirely Later Than We Think

Last night Donald Trump called on a violent, Neo-fascist, white-supremacist cult to stand by and, as can be read in their immediate Twitter response, they took that as a call to get ready to commit violence as he seems to be losing the election. 

Get that in the front of your minds, the TV entertainment division - Electoral College - Republican-fascist  provided president of the United States on live, national television, when given the opportunity to condemn white supremacy, the delicate term for Neo-Nazis and fascists in the United States, he chose, instead, to send them a barely coded message to get their guns and whatever ready to keep him in power.  

Anyone who thinks that what I've written here the last couple of days is extreme or that I wasn't serious about breaking up the country if we can't get rid of the remnants of slavery empowerment in our Constitution, the Electoral College, the anti-democratically constituted Senate, the appalling means we get a Supreme Court through the anti-democratically selected president and the even more anti-democratically comprised Senate for lifetime appointments, not to mention the easily rigged rules adopted within the Senate and the powers that appear nowhere in the Constitution but the Supreme Court has given itself, if we can't change most or all of those that those areas in the country that are constantly at the mercy of the sometimes bare majority of Republican-fascists in other states that we get out of it and write egalitarian democratic, not billionaire-milliionare gangster enabling and privileging constitutions for our new nations conceived in equal rights and rational governance, anyone who thinks I wasn't serious about that is not serious, at all.  

It's already a lot later than we think, if Biden or Harris is president in two years I can guarantee you that the fascists will be resurgent, maybe not even in the majority of the country but in carefully selected parts of it so they can try to rig the Electoral College and flip the senate back to a party, one of the "moderates" of which said that if Hillary Clinton became president he would guarantee that she never got a Supreme Court appointment and who had to suppress the government record of Brett Kavanaugh to put him on there WITH THE VOTE OF "MODERATE" REPUBLICANS who lied through their teeth to cover their asses, Susan Collins I'm talking about you.  

It is time for those who favor what the opening of the Declaration of Independence promised to resort to the same threats that the slave-owning "founders" and their equally corrupt allies in northern commercial interest used to get the anti-democratic, slavery protecting sections of the Constitution that we are still saddled with AND WHICH GAVE US BOTH A BUSH II AND NOW A TRUMP AND THE SUPREME COURTS THAT REGULARLY RIG THINGS AGAINST DEMOCRACY AND FOR THE BILLIONAIRE-MILLIONAIRES, TODAY'S EQUIVALENT OF THE SLAVE-POWER THAT THE ABOLITIONISTS STRUGGLED AGAINST.  They even promote the same racism that the supporters of slavery did, NONE OF THAT WENT AWAY WITH THE EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION, THE VICTORY OF THE UNION IN THE CIVIL WAR OR THE VOTING RIGHTS AND CIVIL RIGHTS ACTS THAT WERE PASSED TO END THE JIM CROW THAT WAS SUCCESSFULLY REINSTALLED LESS THAN A GENERATION AFTER THE CIVIL WAR.  It was reinstalled and is being revived by the Rehnquist-Roberts Court through those parts of the Constitution that were put there by the slave owners and the corrupt commercial interests in the north that made those compromises with them. 

I hope that the three states on the Pacific Coast and the North Eastern states, and others elsewhere start to seriously consider what life under the domination of Republican-fascism is for the future because under this Constitution this is bound to happen again and again and again with the full and total aid of the mass media and those electronic social diseases such as Facebook and Twitter which will not remove even violent fascists from their money-making machines to spew their hate talk and encourage each other to violence, spreading the violent calls of a Donald Trump who they helped install to start with. 

This is dead serious.  As serious as those dead in the Bush II-Cheney invasion of Iraq, as serious as those dead from being denied healthcare before the ACA was adopted and as the Supreme Court is removing it, as dead as those Trump got killed by his criminal incompetence and total lack of interest in the lives of people over money.   It's as serious as the governor of South Dakota and the huge numbers who became infected from the motorcycle rally she encouraged against warning. 

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