Monday, September 28, 2020

How Parscale And Coney Barrett Will Be Used As Political Tools

Brad Parscale's meltdown with guns is proof of one thing, the Republican-fascist policy that has saturated the country with guns is dangerous to them.  One of the biggest dangers of having the Roberts Court rulings doing that is from an increase in suicide by gun, which is something they were warned about even as they made that the Court ordered law of the land.

Another thing it proves, in the libel of Democrats by the Trump press operation is that these people are shameless and weaponize media carried lies without the slightest regard for the truth or morality or even shame.

I suspect a third thing that it will prove is that the media will carry the Trump crime mob's water for them, over and over and over again as they did for previous Republicans, Bush II, Bush I, Reagan, I would say even Nixon until they couldn't ignore his crimes, crimes which, with the Trump crime spree are probably puzzling to younger people, so used to Republican criminality as we've become.  

Parscale's incident looks more like a cry for help to me than a suicide attempt - I've seen one of those up-close and this isn't what one looks like.   Macho guys can't just come out and say it, they act it out.  Like all such inarticulate cries, when a gun is involved, that turns it into something other than what it is.   I think it's very possible that he is as much a victim of some code of manhood that prevents admitting you're sinking as anything.  The more typical means of self-destruction in that is alcohol, often with violence.  I'm seeing it in someone I am close to right now.  One of the first things his brother did was talk him into selling him his guns so just such an incident or worse wouldn't happen.   If he doesn't get the help to get out of the death cult he is a paid member of, chances are it will consume him.   Maybe he should look at what James and, especially, Sarah Brady  did with their experience of gun violence and work for laws that inhibit the free flow of guns - which even as greatly weakened by our idiot thug dominated Supreme Court  is reported to have  led to "reductions in the firearm suicide rate for persons aged 55 years or older" but, probably due in no small part to how the Court gutted it,
"not with reductions in homicide rates or overall suicide rates."

If Parscale wants to save his soul, he should do that instead of becoming a tool for the side that got him in the trouble he's in.  No doubt Amy Coney Barrett, Trump's Notre Dame Law gal on the court would vote to enhance suicide the way the Court did under Rehnquist in  1997.   And she'd call it consistent with Catholicism, think about that as you hear them try to game her religion to shore up Republican "Catholic votes" in a way not unsimilar to the way they're already using Parscale's emotional crisis.   I think it's time for Notre Dame to dump its pretense of being any more than an elite monstrosity of the same kind that the Ivys are.   The last straw for me was when they provided William Barr with the platform they gave him to lie his fat head off.

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