Monday, December 30, 2019

More On The Hanukkah Party Stabber

Mental illness is a common enough thing that it is amazing so many people don't realize mentally ill people consume media as much as those not so deemed ill do.  It further astonishes me that they don't figure some mentally ill people would likely be MORE LIKELY TO INTERNALIZE AND ACT ON ENCOURAGEMENT TO VIOLENCE AS ENCOURAGED ON TV, IN MOVIES, ONLINE, ETC. THAN THOSE WHOSE ALLEGED SANITY IS DEEMED SUCH BECAUSE THEY ARE MORE LIKELY TO BE ABLE TO UNDERSTAND THEY AREN'T TO DO SUCH THINGS!  

Every TV show, every piece of cabloid crap, hate talk radio, thriller crap has a percentage of people in the audience that will be susceptible to taking it seriously just as every soap opera had people in its audience who believed the actors were the 2-dimensional characters they were portraying.   And sometimes it's with the encouragment of the actors and their PR.  I was as big a sucker for believing in the Tracey-Hepburn romance which was, we are now told, a constructed cover for their mutual bi-sexuality.  That they supposedly met in George Cukor's pool house where Tracey lived away from his family wasn't even enough of a clue before Scotty Bower spilled the beans.  But I digress only to prove how vulnerable all of us are to buying lies that they peddle. 

The entertainment industry is grotesquely irresponsible because it is given complete immunity from having to be answerable because, you know, "First amendment". 

That the Hanukkah party stabber is, as well, another in a long line of those who are on the streets of New York (and around the country)  thanks to Nelson Rockefeller wanting to dump the mentally ill on the streets and 1960s Ken Kesey crap that romanticized mental illness does nothing to weaken my point.  

He got the idea to do it from somewhere, most mentally ill people are far more likely to be victims of violence, much of it done by those who aren't deemed mentally ill, than to commit violence. There was something that incited him to feel he should kill people.  That wasn't a given of him being mentally ill.  The mentally ill people I knew and know best are safer than harmless and extremely vulnerable, more likely to be victims of violence, not homicidal.   Most of them are quite good people. 

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