Sunday, November 24, 2019

Play-Lefty Says What?

I got a whiny comment from the sockpuppet of an ass that complains that I invented words for my long post yesterday morning.  At first I figured it was probably some of the vocabulary that I  from my word-hoard onlaced, words that he was unfamiliar with.  The guy is a good example of how education often went tragically side-ways after TV came in. 

Then I figured it must be me calling the secular-atheist left, the left of the Marxists, the anarchists, the undemocratic, elite "socialists" "play-lefties" that got his girdle in a twist.  I don't know if anyone ever used the term "play-left" or "play-leftists" or "play-lefties" (when I'm feeling more playfully insulting to them) before I did but the term describes such a long-standing, horribly consequential and all too real thing that I will not hesitate to use them in the future. 

The play-left of the United States, spewing from the commies  of the New York City area, college campuses, the lefty media out of a number of places* colonies of NYC, such as Vermont, places where the total idiocy of anarchism gained influence and cults of idiot sentimentalists, has had a tragically destructive effect on the left that is real, that has, at times, gained political power and made lives better.   

The play-left, other than getting some of its more psychologically stable members jobs at universities and colleges and as scribblers and babblers for the tiny little organs of the lefty media, have produced nothing but defeat for progress, the success of the enemies of progress and some of the most hypocritical, ahistorical crap from show-biz, largely based on the play-lefty lore of their victimhood (much of it well earned) analogous in every way to the Confederate "lost cause" crap.  Only, due to the kind of crap from the play-left which I documented continues to issue from it, their lore produces nothing but success for the neo-Confederate-billionaire oligarch side of things.   Clearly, powered by pop-culture issuing from Hollywood, the fascist's folk lore is more successful than the pathetic and rare victimization lore of movies like Trumbo** and Reds. 

*  Girard, Kansas, from which the "Little Blue Book" series issued springs to mind.  Greensburg, Indiana, is another as the home of the socialist publication, Appeal To Reason came from.  The magazine was bought out by Emanuel Haldeman-Julius (the entrepreneur of the Little Blue Books) after its founders sons - who lacked his know how and work habits - drove it into bankruptcy.   The Blue Books baron quickly changed its more traditional style of socialism to bring it in line with his advocacy of atheism, his main interest, the "socialism" was a sideline to that.  It didn't revive it to its previous status.   

The Little Blue Books, among other things, promoted the proto-Nazi-Darwinism of Ernst Haeckel and, as I recall, Nietzsche,  showing that there's not much space between Nazism and the atheist-secular play-left and there never was.   So, armed with that understanding, it's not a shock to me to find The Nation carrying water for Putin and his fully owned asset, Donald Trump.   Neither does it surprise me to find that Bernie Sanders is the center of another cult in which another third-party ratfucking of the chances of Democrats, helping to empower Republican-fascism is underway even as I type this. 

**  Trumbo and the Hollywood 10 were Stalinists in the period when his character as a mass murderer was rather fulsomely exposed.  The Stalinists were  the moral equivalent of Nazis and should be presented as such.  I would have no problem if all of them, Nazis and Stalinists along with the Trotskyites, KKKers, white-supremacists, etc.  had been investigated, exposed as enemies of egalitarian democracy and marginalized, their efforts to gain power and destroy egalitarian democracy thwarted.   I assume Trumbo is one of the two who Billy Wilder noted had talent as the others who made up the 10 were merely hacks.  Would anyone on whatever left have had any problem with the de-Nazification of the United States?   I wouldn't have.   

Jack Reed was a horses ass whose greatest act in American politics was destroying the old and promisingly effective Socialist Party on behalf of Stalin's predecessors in mass killing,  Lenin and Trotsky.   I hope he burned in hell for that. 

Update:  I had a few seconds so I looked up the quote from Wilder, which I didn't remember exactly, of the famous unfriendly witnesses he said, "Of the ten, two had talent, and the rest were just unfriendly."  I have to admit that I especially detest Lester Cole because I read his memoir and I know a lot of what he said in it was fabricated bull shit.  He was a Stalinist to the end, even if he disclaimed it. 

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