Saturday, September 2, 2017

Confession: I Knew Simps Would Get His Knickers In A Twist If I Dissed The Movies. He hates it when someone disses the movies


  1. "I find that with audio drama, without the pictures the substance is denser than with movies"

    Holy shit -- radio doesn't have pictures?

    Here's a clue, numbnuts -- neither do novels or screenplays or stage scripts.
    1. Densest of all is your skull. It's so dense you should be The Wizard of Osmium.

      Neither do symphonic scores, algebra equations or dial tones. But I didn't mention those, either.

      You're really hard up for attention at Duncan's aren't you. Something tells me you've made yourself so obnoxious over there they're ignoring you so you're trying your hardest to get some attention here. Did your little piece of asininity above get you some over there? 


  1. "Something tells me..."

    That's a Sparkyism akin to Trump's "Many people say..."

  2. I'm pretty sure if I took the bother to go through the Simels corpus I'd come across the locution "Something tells me". Or are you so unread that you've never run against it before?

    Your Zod sock was here, I sent him to Spam. As you're the Wizard of Osmium, he can be your straw man. He's really not your best work, you don't have best work.

  3. Here, I'll help you out.

    "Something tells me you're totally full of shit."

  4. " He hates it when someone disses the movies "

    Actually, I love it when you gas about subjects you know absolutely nothing about.

  5. I don't mean the comments about you, Simps.

  6. Oh, I guess in your half-vast experience you never encountered the issue in radio transmission of dead air and why it's something people who work in and write for radio try to avoid, something that you can have in a movie if you put a picture up. Including stuff that doesn't really tell you anything or move the action forward. You like the pictures don't you, it's easier than thinking.

    You've got dead air inside your dense skull.

  7. "You never encountered the issue in radio transmission of dead air and why it's something people who work in and write for radio try to avoid"

    You're not really familiar with the concept of audio editing, are you? It's very easy in the digital domain, but even back in the magnetic tape days it wasn't that difficult a concept to understand.

  8. So, radio DOES have pictures?

    This argument is rather hard to follow.

  9. You moron, this has nothing to do with audio editing, it has to do with writing for sound production instead of movies.

    I have a strong suspicion I know more about audio editing than you do, having done loads of it since I was in my teens, back in the celluloid tape and patch chord era. I do know when it's a matter of the media being compared and not a matter of editing recordings.

    I don't know, Simps, maybe you never did have that much to lose so it isn't a matter of dementia. You just might be as stupid as Roger Newsome of the Mimico Newsomes or his sister.

  10. "This argument is rather hard to follow."

    It is a chore having to think down to Simps level. I think he's not getting enough attention at Baby Blue so he decided to say something stupid here.

    If I had more beans to freeze tonight, I'd be doing that instead.

  11. And I'd be listening to audio drama while I did it. Audio drama is so much better for listening to while doing kitchen work. I've downloaded thousands of them. I'll fill up some mp3 players with them for when the electricity goes out this winter.

  12. "I have a strong suspicion I know more about audio editing than you do"

    'I have a strong suspicion' is another Trump-esque Sparkyism that means you're pulling nonsense out of your ass.

  13. You're desperate, aren't you. You think people haven't said "I have a strong suspicion" before? Let me get this, English is your mother tongue, isn't it?

    You're the one who learned everything he knows from TV and movies, like Trump. And it shows, Simps, it really does show.

  14. Well, I'm teaching a harmony class right now, so I've got that spelling on my mind. You ever get hired to teach a harmony class, Simps? Well, it would be easy with the three chords you know, wouldn't it.
