Thursday, October 20, 2016

Little Lessons From The Middle of Nowhere Only It's Somewhere And The Lessons Aren't So Little

That Bargain!Shop in that video about panties I posted last night is a real place, you can see it on google whatsit.

The town it's in is Watrous, Saskatchewan

one of those amazing prairie towns that have a small population (about 1860 people) but have a far better range of both services and businesses than you'll find in towns ten times that size in some places here in New England.  They seem to have more of a sense of themselves and their place.   Or that's what it seems form here.  I think we could learn something from them.

And here's Nokomis, population less than 400, from the latest figure I've seen, the home of Little Miss Higgins.

I'm sure it won't look impressive to a city boy but I'm a small-town guy and it looks pretty impressive to me.

And keeping on the small is great idea, here's a film from a house concert that Little Miss Higgins and her partner Floyd Taylor played.  I posted the song yesterday but I like the idea of this kind of music making.  Especially if the musicians get paid.

I really like her more every time I listen to her.  I'm going to try to get some of her albums, maybe all of them.  I hope they're still making music together.   She's the kind of artist who acknowledges and honors the artists who influenced her, especially the great Memphis Minnie.

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