Monday, July 6, 2015

Dan Savage: Big Mouth Little Journalism

I don't like Dan Savage very much and especially don't like that he's held up as some kind of great and positive figure representing LGBT* folk.  His sex advice goes from OK to dangerous and disastrous, his antics like turning "Santorum" into an especially gross and obscene synonym was attention getting but politically unproductive - it had nothing to do with the eclipse of Rick Santorum's political career - and early his role in "Draw Muhammad Day" combined all of the above with an indifference to the real possibility that his childish advocacy could have gotten people killed.   His more benign role in "It gets better" hardly makes up for the rest of it.   At the very least, he isn't a great role model of responsible adulthood in a group which is targeted by negative stereotypes of the past as superficial, immature and self-absorbed, attention-getting and not capable of being reliably serious and mature.  And I'm just waiting for the straight folk to tell me just how wrong I am about that, as if a life time of being a gay man didn't prepare me to understand that better than a life time of not being gay would.  I'm also used to being condescended to by straight folk from that life time of experience.

The link to this video was thrown at me a while back, I didn't watch it then but I did watch it this weekend and it is especially stupid and especially galling because its central premise is so obviously and demonstrably false.  The vid is entitled, "The Christian Left: Do They Exist?"  Despite what the disclaimer at the front of it says, there is no mature view point expressed.

So Savage, who has been part of the trendy religion bashing, Christian-bashing effort of the past dozen years is blaming liberal Christians that they aren't heard, claiming that liberal Christians haven't stood up to the fundamentalist right.

One thing about this is transparently clear, neither the alleged journalist, Savage nor "TakePart TV" did the minimum of fact checking as liberal Christians have done everything he claims they should start doing, have been doing it for, not only years but decades, only to have both the corporate media and the neo-atheists ignore that effort.

As I pointed out last week, the United Church of Christ began advocacy for the rights and equality of LGBT people in 1969, the year Savage turned five.  They've issued statement after statement, were pioneers in ordaining lesbians and gay men, expanding their commitment to equality just about every year in between that year and now.   And they are hardly the only Christian and Jewish denomination to have done so.   If Savage had done what counts as the minimal level of journalistic practice these days, a google search, he could hardly have failed to discover that.   And equality for us is not the only liberal effort that those churches and even many churches considered conservative have been engaged in.

Dan Savage is a media fixture, he's not a journalist, he isn't a mature voice or especially interested in knowing what he's talking about.  Savage has a long history of not knowing what he's talking about, loudly, vulgarly, in the most attention-getting way, an odd trait for an alleged journalist.   Though that's pretty much the standard of being a media celebrity today.  Unlike another person who uses vulgarity and brash expression, The Rude Pundit who is enough of a journalist to know what he's talking about when it comes to the substance of what he's saying.

Savage is a symptom of what's wrong with a large part of the alleged left today, why we aren't going anywhere. And he's hardly the only one.  Such people are just the flip side of the right wing media fixtures who spout off colorfully about things they don't know about and don't care enough to find out about.  They're not useful for making a convincing, fact-based case for something, they're only good for congregating those who are like them, such people don't make positive change, they're just camera hogs who are useful to our opponents.   I would classify him as being more of a libertarian than any kind of liberal or useful leftist.   While I wouldn't echo him and wish he "would just die"  or "be dragged by a truck until just the rope was left" I wish people would get tired of his act and look to someone who at least knows what they're talking about.

*  Considering his past comments about trans-folk and his "outing" of a public figure as trans, when they weren't, I'd be surprised if many informed people from that community would welcome him being considered as speaking for them.   I certainly don't want anyone mistaking him as representing how I think and live.


  1. I'm really disgusted with the ignorance that justifies itself by "Well, I never heard of it, so that's their fault that I don't know!"

    Jeremiah Wright's church exceeded 6000 in membership, a "mega-church" by any definition of size. Ever hear of it? The one time anybody ever heard of the UCC was the "Ejector seat" ad that major media outlets wouldn't run. Sort of like the Episcopal church, which got in the news for ordaining a gay bishop. Before that? Were they still around?

    Nobody's heard of James Cone, either, or Reinhold Niebuhr (despite the fact he wrote "The Serenity Prayer' and was on the cover of Time in his lifetime). Andrew Bacevich speaks of the importance of Niebuhr, and nobody notices but Bill Moyers (Bacevich is making the rounds with a new book, and he's a good man. Will any interviewer ask about Niebuhr? Are you kidding? Did Niebuhr write a best-seller or have a TV show or host a Presidential debate? Then who cares?)

    It's money that matters, and nobody in America represents money and religion except TV evangelists and people (today) who sound like TV evangelists. Why did anybody every listen to Jerry Falwell, Joel Osteen, or Rick Scarborough? Money. They all made lots of money, and in American media, $$$ talks.

    Everything else gets no notice at all. Anybody even mentioning the role the Pope played in US/Cuba relations? Not any more. Of course, if the president of the SBC had had anything to do with it, his PR flacks would be sure his name was in every news cycle.

    But Dan Savage is our new standard for what's known. If he don't know it, it ain't worth knowin'. He has no idea of the number of UCC churches which are Open and Affirming (or what that means), how many have gay and lesbian pastors (and cater to straight and gay members, quite inclusively). He doesn't know, so it doesn't exist, and it's the UCC's fault he's so damned ignorant!

    Nice work, if you can get it. Me, I left that "argument" behind in the sandbox. But thanks especially to the intertoobs, it's now considered intellectually devastating.

    I'll retire to Bedlam....

  2. And the worst of it is that he's typical. I think it's related to Americans who got most of what they know from TV being entertained to death, the death being of the mind and the soul and with that goes any meaningful liberalism and any positive civic engagement more demanding than shooting off zingers on comment threads. And these people believe they're the cream of the crop on top of that. Rachel Maddow talks about Dan Savage, for crying out loud, as if there were something there.

    It's especially astonishing how willfully ignorant someone like him is because that information is an easy web-search away. If I'd had the resources available online, I'd have gotten at least two doctorates. The dimformation age, that's how I'm beginning to think of it ever more.

    1. The information has always been there. Andrew Carnegie saw to that. World Book Encyclopedia saw to that. School libraries around the country saw to that.

      Using the information, actually accessing it, considering it, understanding it: well, you can still lead the horse to water.

      Making the horse think, is another matter.

      Same as it ever was, in other words.
