Friday, July 19, 2024

This Has To Be A Whichever Democrat Instead of Trump's Nazism Year

I WILL VOTE for whichever Democrat has the nomination,  I fully expect that to be President Biden and I'm entirely OK with that.   He has had a phenomenal three and a half years under extremely difficult circumstances.   I will vote a full-Democratic ticket, again.   Luckily I am from the First District of Maine so I don't have to hold my nose to vote for Jared Golden in the Second District.   I'd vote for him if I had to though I wouldn't be OK with it and I don't trust him to not cross the aisle after the election.   Though if Democrats retain the House I expect he won't. 

The choice is you have a democracy next year or you don't for the rest of your life.  Franklin's famous answer to what kind of government the Constitutional Convention had given us, "A republic, if you can keep it," should be among the things that all Democrats go forward with because we have never been so close to losing that due to Republican-fascists, especially those on the Supreme Court and lower courts.  

I'm not tired of Joe Biden, though I'm getting tired of all of those who are floating the idea that he should quit at this late stage.   Where were they a year ago when that might have been possible?   If selling Biden is hard for them, selling them the possibility of democracy as soon as next January when the only alternative is Republican-fascism should be far easier to sell. 

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