Tuesday, July 16, 2024

nother Open Letter to Vandiemenlander

IF PRESIDENT BIDEN is supposed to take the blame for everything OTHER FRIGGIN' PEOPLE say at secondary campaign events he didn't even attend when are your fellow Republican-fascists going to be forced to answer for what people they invited to speak NOT TO MENTION THEMSELVES say on their behalf.   Trump's boys and their spouses have said worse many, many times.

Trump has been inviting violence from his supporters since he told them to beat up protesters and lied that he'd pay for his thugs' legal defense.   He's been advocating it since well before that.   He appointed his fellow fascists to the Supreme Court where they have prevented any effective gun violence prevention because our effective indigenous Murder Inc. is a major supporter of Republican-fascism.   

I'm not going to get into yet another endless round of going down every rat hole you want me to because it's pointless to do it with Republicans because they aren't interested in truth or equality or even effective and efficient policy, they are all about power and violence. 

The immunity decision of the Republican-fascist Roberts Court will require ruthless violence to make it the effective law of the land and from Coney Barrett to the one step down to Gorsuch, Alito and Thomas, they're all in on that violence as long as they're protected from it. 

Your party is a fascist party and that is guaranteed to come only through violence.

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