Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Republican-fascist Politicians Promoting Gun Violence EVEN AGAINST REPUBLICANS!

HERE IS THE real proof from official Republican-fascist campaign ads showing who it is who has been promoting political assassination in the country.  

Apparently blogger isn't allowing for directly posting Youtubes these days.  No idea why, can't find anything about it online.


  1. So your argument is that political ads in other states like Missouri and Georgia convinced someone in Pennsylvania to try to murder Donald Trump?

    Not the constantly comparing him to Hitler? Not calling him an "existential threat" to democracy?

    And certainly not these Democrats: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aj1Rwlztapg

    You may have your head in the sand. But your audience is limited.

    1. I'll choose to post this one of your multiple comments because it is indicative of typical Republican-fascist dishonesty, as I already pointed out not atypical of the play-lefty dishonesty I have typically chosen to analyze from the comments on what I write.
      I'll choose to post this one of your multiple comments because it is indicative of typical Republican-fascist dishonesty, as I already pointed out not atypical of the play-lefty dishonesty I have typically chosen to analyze from the comments on what I write.
      I made no such argument, I was arguing against the lies that spewed forth from your fellow Republican-fascists immediately after the attempted assassination WHICH WAS DONE BY A REPUBLICAN-FASCIST WHOSE OWN HOUSE HAD PRO-TRUMP SIGNS POSTED AT IT! I have no idea what the gun enthusiast who borrowed his, I'll bet, Republican-fascist daddy's AR 15 (which Joe Biden and other Democrats would have banned, if they had been able to) . . . . I have no idea what ads he saw just as you and your fellow fascists have no idea or anyone any rational reason to think Joe Biden and other Democrats had inspired him. He could well have gotten it from TYPICAL Republican-fascist media content because, as all fascism, it encourages its own side to violence. HE WAS ONE OF YOURS, BUDDY, NOT ONE OF OURS.

      When I first heard he got shot in Pennsylvania the first thing I wondered was if it was one of those anti-abortion fanatics who are furious at him for trying to run away from his own stated policy on a nationwide ban on abortion for political convenience. I'm not sure that speculation was wrong. The "pro-life" side has such a history of murder, after all.

      Comparing him to Hitler? Surely it's his own chosen Vice Presidential pick is who you're mistaking me for, the double-speaking, two-faced, phony, mascara wearing "hillbilly," J. D. Vance. Besides, anyone with any knowledge of Hitler's rhetoric and given the fact that Trump's first wife revealed that Hitler's speeches were some of his favored bedtime reading would certainly know that Trump, himself, made that comparison ENTIRELY WITHIN REASON AND ENTIRELY FAIR. "Vermin," pollution of blood, openly aspiring to be a dictator with the help of the Republican-fascists on the Supreme Court. I could quote Trump sounding Hitlerean at length going back for decades. And he's only one of many in his and current Republican-fascist circles. Steve Miller, Paul Gosar, I never have to be reminded that in the run up to WWII it was largely Republican businessmen and largely Republican politicians and media titans who wanted "to do business with Hitler and his allies Along with the American Communists in the not that brief period that they were under orders to spout that from Stalin. Their like are still around and enabling Trump, though Putin has had to be more subtle in how he suckered them. And if Trump hadn't done that so often, it's people in his close orbit such as the eminently deportable Seb Gorka who wore a Hungarian Nazi emblem to Trump's first inaugural or Toby Keith singing a pro-lynching song at the "concert" for it, white supremacy being our indigenous form of facism. Considering his family seems to have supported Trump, for all I know, his would-be assassin might have been OK with the Hitlerian stuff. He is a good example of why the Republican-fascist advocacy of gun violence is dangerous because there are so many marginally sane Republican-fascists who might be listening to it. Who knows how their minds aren't working right?

      Your mind is what's limited as is your truthfulness. I have no idea who reads this blog other than those who choose to try to post comments on it, I haven't looked at the statistics for it in years. All I do is write what seems warranted by the information and evidence and logical conclusions drawn from those, without regard to taboos, social conventions or academic myth. Certainly not caring about popularity. Without sand in my eyes or anything else.
