Sunday, July 14, 2024


 the reaction of President Biden to the attempted assassination of Donald Trump and Donald Trump's  other Republican-fascists in Congress and elsewhere, in the news media to the attempted assassination of Nancy Pelosi in the attack in which her husband was almost murdered.  

That's everything you need to know about the difference between the candidates and the two parties and the whore house that the media is.


  1. Just gonna leave this here:

    Oh, and stay off social media. The left's "influencers" are not making your case the way you think.

  2. A. I don't go on twitter or social media except for aproximately two other blogs.
    B. I doubt anyone who reads what I post here and can think would imagine I'm influenced by "influencers."
    C. Having been extremely critical of one of the two Democratic House members from my state, it's clear I don't hold any Democrat to be above criticism.
    D. None of what you said negates my point that President Biden is a totally adult and classy guy and Trump and his Republican-fascists' reaction to the nearly deadly attack by the guy who wanted to murder Nancy Pelosi are puerile and vile. Or do you want to tell me why President Biden's reaction to the attack on Trump is exactly like Trump's reaction to the attack on Nancy Pelosi's husband and home.
