Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Two Shorts

THE SENTENCE before the one you object to explains why I said what you objected to.

Any  so-called sciences that relies on human reports of their internal experience are a direct means of introducing every evil Bacon sought to exclude with his methods.  Those that rely on third-party observations of behavior are probably even worse. 

If a person's reporting of their internal mental and sensory experience, their thoughts, their opinions is of unverifiable reliability, a third-party observer is in an even worse position to report on what they, as well, can't see.  They can't know the internal motivations of people doing even the same acts.  In the case of animals who can't articulate their own experience those problems multiply, they don't diminish. 

Any random person on the street who denies that people can be mistaken about their own experience or misrepresent it to other people is either unusually unaware of what life is like, including, probably, their own thinking, or they are lying.  But psychologists, sociologists, etc. have created professions in which that is done all the time as a standard professional practice which adds motives of financial interest and professional prestige on top of those. 

I'm not denying that there may be clinical psychologists who actually have helped some people they see professionally, but I doubt that's got much to do with the alleged science they allegedly base their practice in.  I strongly suspect that there are barbers, hairdressers and fingernail fiddlers who have been as effective in talk therapy and advice giving.  If someone offered me a choice between talking to a shrink and getting a professional massage, I'd take the massage, it might at least be good for relieving some aches and pains.  Cheaper, too.


I'd have really liked to comment on the Supreme Court theater of the absurd in regard to their hearing on vaccine mandates. If it shows one thing it is that when you mix the arrogance of office of which there is no more quintessential an example than the Republican-fascist majority on this court, with total ignorance of mathematics and science, you get what Alito, Gorsuch and Barrett said in that goon show. 

It is a clear and present danger that the Supreme Court, with 6-3 majority of unelected hacks chosen for their ideological and financial degeneracy - and  Breyer is with them at times, too - with the mathematical incompetence that Alito demonstrates has no business handing down a legal opinion that could get many people killed out of their disgusting ignorance.

If the court isn't expanded with the explicit reason of swamping these thugs in black robes AND TO ADD MATHEMATICAL AND SCIENTIFIC COMPETENCE TO THAT IGNORANT COURT the more legitimate branches, LEGITIMATE DUE TO THEIR BEING ELECTED AND SUBJECT TO DISMISSAL BY THE PEOPLE,  should refuse to allow them to keep the self-created power of overturning duly adopted federal laws.  

The danger of an out of control congress and executive making bad laws, even bad Constitutional amendments is far less than the dangers of what the Supreme Court has become, an unelected body that can set up a government by fiat and destroy government of, by and for, The People and thwart the general welfare and safety of the country.   

The Supreme Court and many federal courts in the hands of Republican-fascism have to be prevented from doing what they were selected to do, destroy equality, democracy and government of The People. 

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