Saturday, January 15, 2022

An Answer To A Complaint That I Said The Struggle For Civil Rights Has Lost Everything Through An IllConsidered Compact With Modernism

FIFTY YEARS after the resurgence of feminism in the 1960s and 70s, I think it's telling that the predominant prescribed role of women in literature, in movies, on TV, online, in popular culture and not in a little of the garbage that is considered science is as sex objects.   The decay of second-wave feminism in the face of the porn-industry financed "sex positive feminist" accommodation of the use of women as sex objects is typical of 20th and 21st century secular modernism.  

When an ideological framing insists that people are merely rather complex physical objects of no transcendent character that surpasses the banality of material causation, there isn't anything else for them to be.  That is an issue that dominant straight, white, affluent people, especially males can comfortably ignore but it is something that anyone who is not of the dominant and comfortable class constantly has to deal with.  If they get suckered out of a belief in their own AND OTHER PEOPLES' transcendent character, not of their value but of their rightful dignity and self-determination, their right to be treated with respect and dignity and decency by the predominant culture and its media, there's no one who's going to help them.

All subjugated people have to get past scientistic, atheistic, materialistic modernism or they will never get out of where it has gotten us this far into the catastrophic experiment with it that began in the early 20th century.  

One of the major defects in our thinking is the inability of English speakers to distinguish between linguistically similar terms that are entirely different in their motives and endpoints.  "Civil liberties" of the kind that enables the Republican-fascism and corporate oligarchic reversion to old lines of racism, sexism, etc. have nothing to do with the civil rights agitation, the progress of which is dying in the total-war that the civil liberties industry and the Supreme Court under Roberts Republican-fascist domination are waging against it.  

The ACLU is one of the primary engines that gave that war some of its most dangerous and potent fuel in words that are on the mouths of neo-facists and neo-Nazis and Republican-fasicsts today.  They were champions of the modernism that led us to where we are now.   Our side should have been a lot more careful about making common cause with the materialists because they have cost us everything.

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